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The Beer Thread • Page 50

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Jason Tate, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    Picked up a super-fresh sixer of this today, and it was amazing!

    Waldos' Special Ale | Lagunitas Brewing Company

    Also, it's rare that I have a lot of any single beer in my fridge. I usually just go with a mixed 6-pack of various styles so there's always something I'm in the mood for. If I were to get something though, it'd probably be Sculpin or Revolution Fist City.
    swboyd and bigmike like this.
  2. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    Like @KidLightning, I don't have six packs of things in the fridge that aren't mixed. Usually they're also the latest releases that are seasonals because I either like them (Chillwave) or because I hadn't had them before or the recipe changed (Weyerbacher's Double IPA).
    KidLightning likes this.
  3. Napoleon Solo

    Newbie Prestigious

    Picked up a bomber of Avery Maharaja and a six pack of Laugunitas Waldo's Ale. The Maharaja is one of my favorites and I'm very excited to try the Waldo's, I got the last six pack at my Total Wine.
  4. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    @KidLightning I know you were asking about Short's and here's a nice interview with him. Joe Short is awesome and always candid, but I'm surprised how candid he is here.

    He basically confirmed that they had grown so much for the last few years and then their growth completely stagnated and they had, essentially, a lot of overhead/backstock (which I've heard from a bunch of people before this interview) which pushed them into other markets. Pretty interesting to see him not really try to spin that any other way.

    As I said, I'd pick up a bottle of each of their mainstays -- their brown is solid, Huma is a great, very bitter/dry IPA, Space Rock is a solid pale and Soft Parade is a very nice fruit beer -- and then decide on their exoctic stuff. I'm currently avoiding their Mint and Green Tea IPA that we have in our store. That type of stuff is very common.
  5. Oddpac87

    Trusted Prestigious

    Went to LIC a few weeks ago and was impressed by the couple things I had. They had a brett pale on that was like the perfect summer beer.
    JimmyIymmiJ and ChiliTacos like this.
  6. fyebes

    Regular Prestigious

    hoping to go to phoenix in august. any breweries around there?
  7. Snewt

    Does whatever a spider can. Prestigious

    Untappd just updated their app with a pretty sweet new feature. I hope it ends up catching on because I would love to see what's on tap somewhere before heading out.
    JimmyIymmiJ and reid like this.
  8. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    Any good Pittsburgh brews I should look for while I'm here?
  9. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    It's a good idea to incorporate it, but they should have teamed up with taphunter. It's already pretty big, and I don't see a lot of places doubling down
    Snewt likes this.
  10. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    IC Light :crylaugh:
  11. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    Thanks for this, I'll give it a watch later.

    I tried the brown, Space Rock, and Soft Parade, and I enjoyed all of them, but I have yet to try Huma which I need to do soon. I don't know that I'd go back to Space Rock if I'm looking for a pale, but I'd definitely pick up the brown again and I can see myself drinking a decent amount of Soft Parade this summer.
    bigmike likes this.
  12. BlueEyesBrewing

    Trusted Supporter

    I'm finally having my first gose and I'm not sure what to think. I think I really like it?
  13. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    it's an acquired taste for sure!! Good for the summer though, huh
  14. I have to do finances / expenses tonight and the only thing convincing me to get through this is the Single Hop Pale Ale, Riding Solo, from 10 Barrel I picked up to try tonight.
    jaimej, reid and KidLightning like this.
  15. devenstonow


    Picked up a Dogfish 120 Minute(my store had a 1 bottle limit), Dogfish RSD "Beer to Drink Music To", and Stone Enjoy By 4/20/17...thought it said 16 not realizing I'll need to keep it for a year haha
  16. chris

    Trusted Supporter

    Been meaning to try this, 10 Barrel makes some good stuff
  17. I like it. It's good a good flavor.
  18. MattLikesSsips

    Be sure to drink your Ovaltine.

    My go to shop had Southern Tier's 2x Rye. Pretty sure it's retired but I picked it up anyway. It's a fall beer but it's been cool in the evenings so it'll pass. Date of bottling is 7/2014. Gonna let some of those sit a little longer.
  19. CassinoNorth

    Newbie Prestigious

    Lagunitas Sucks or Breakfast Stout in season. It will be Kane Head High come the Summer when they start pumping out those pretty cans full time.

    Speaking of Lagunitas this Waldo's Special Ale is insane. As close to PtY as I can recall. If this was my first hoppy beer I'd never drink one again.
    ECV and KidLightning like this.
  20. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    Do you mean Enjoy After 4.20.17?

    I have a bottle of Enjoy After 7.4.16 that I'm aging right alongside (literally) a bottle of Enjoy By 7.4.15. I know you're not supposed to age IPA's, especially not Enjoy By, but I want to see what it's like a year later.
    bigmike likes this.
  21. alextisonfire Apr 15, 2016
    (Last edited: Apr 15, 2016)
    alextisonfire Supporter

    Apologies for the shameless self promotion: My friend and I started a podcast a few months ago and I would love to hear some feedback from the users in this thread. Our latest episode touches on wheat beer and we address the ridiculous 'vagina beer' IndieGoGo campaign. I'm still relatively new to this podcasting thing and would love to hear suggestions for making our episodes better. Thanks everyone!
    bigmike likes this.
  22. alextisonfire Supporter

    I'm aging a bomber of the 7/4/16 as well. Getting close!
    KidLightning likes this.
  23. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Totally by accident stumbled upon KBS tonight at dinner, and it was wonderful
    reid, KidLightning, bigmike and 2 others like this.
  24. Derek

    Get stung

    Gonna be dry hopping a batch tonight and probably starting a brew on a wheat beer recipe tomorrow
    KidLightning and Jason Tate like this.
  25. Headed to a beer festival today. My apologies to Untappd friends, I'm going to be blowing up your feed.
    jaimej, reid, bigmike and 1 other person like this.