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Programming • Page 15

Discussion in 'Technology Forum' started by Dirty Sanchez, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

    bruteForceSrch = FALSE
    optimalResults = TRUE

    Here you go, I streamlined your code.
    Jacob likes this.
  2. mercury

    modern-day offspring fanatic Supporter

    Yesssssss TypeScript. I've started using it recently and it's definitely a shocker after years of vanilla JS, but in the best ways. JS feels so hacky sometimes, this kind of overhaul was long overdue. NativeScript is a new one for me, never heard of that! I used Ionic a couple years back for a simple cross-platform mobile app and it worked fine at the time. I can only imagine how much better those sort of simplify-mobile-development-with-Javascript libs have gotten since then haha. Very cool.

    in other news I spent today fighting with my local environment for a new project, and I swear if I have to reinstall mysql one more time, my laptop is getting thrown out the window..
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  3. Pedro


    I recommend you strongly. I recently follow Antonio Leiva´s blog and he is a really expert on that. His tricks are awesome. You can find a lot of stuff in his blog and a book for begginers at Kotlin that helps too much.

    Take a look here Kotlin - Antonio Leiva
  4. drewinseries


    It's amazing how much I have learned at my job already only being there for a few months. Constantly psyched to be in a field where I can constantly learn cool new shit.
    RyanPm40, mercury and Dirty Sanchez like this.
  5. Richard

    Trusted Supporter

    I really love Angular 2 with Typescript, although it seems like React's got a real foothold at the moment. Hoping the past year or two doing JS development, alongside all back-end .net stuff, will land me a better/more enjoyable job..
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  6. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    It's definitely made me enjoy my job a lot more :D. Much more fun developing a new Angular app than maintaining 15-20 year old Java apps :P.
  7. danielalee12


    never tried angular before. Is it fun to program in? I'm usually a backend engineer but am trying to dip my toes into the frontend
  8. Richard

    Trusted Supporter

    For sure - if you're coming from an OO background, then its perfect. Programming in TypeScript (which Angular 2 leverages) feels just like developing in C# or Java. It's great.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  9. drewinseries


    Is it frowned or looked down on to have the standard stuff on your GitHub? Like a sorting algorithm/recursion etc. I'm beefing up my profile after doing more programming at my current job.
  10. Timmiluvs

    I play video games fast Prestigious

    Nah, Github can pretty much have whatever you want on it.

    I have a bunch of random things I've been uploading to it. Ranging from projects for classes to pet projects to random practice code. I mostly just toss anything up there I want to be able to have again or reference in the future if I wipe and re-install the OS on my laptop.

    timmonfette1 (Tim Monfette) · GitHub
    drewinseries likes this.
  11. drewinseries


    Cool thanks. I didn't want employers to eyeroll if I have like a mergesort or something there.
  12. Timmiluvs

    I play video games fast Prestigious

    Finally put the finishing touches on a little project I've been working on occasionally over the past couple weeks.
    I wrote an little tool to do various IP functions like validation and translation of addresses. I mainly wrote it to work a bit on my Rust knowledge.

    I wrote text based UI verison: GitHub - timmonfette1/ip_tool: Rust based IP (Internet Protocol) Tool for IPv4 and IPv6 work
    And a script based version: GitHub - timmonfette1/ip_tool_core: Core of my Rust based IP Tool

    Next up is creating a Github webpage and making a web based one so people don't have to download the source and compile it themselves. As well as other updates under the hood to some logic. But at least it's done and functional :p
    zigbigwig, RyanPm40 and Dirty Sanchez like this.
  13. drewinseries


    Interviewed at a position where I'd be the sole computational person in a genomics lab. Scary, exciting, scary. We'll see how it goes.
    Timmiluvs likes this.
  14. hammy


    Talking of Github, I'm kind of new to coding and understand that it's pretty much the defacto option as far as opening source code hosting goes. But I wondered if there are any good reasons for a relative beginner like me to use an alternative? e.g. Do other platforms have a more user-friendly interface or something like that? I googled it and a found a few GitHub alternatives here: GitHub alternatives | the 5 best websites at a glance

    It mentions SourceForge used to be the go-to, had some malware issues, but is now supposedly 'back on track'. Apparently it offers multi-factor authorisation, issue tracking and a built-in code directory... but does that really offer anything I can't get by using GitHub?
    Similar question about GitKraken in that list: "focus on speed, and its simple Git operation." I mean... I can't imagine GitHub is particularly sluggish given it's popularity?

    Any litle bit of advice would be greatly appreciated!
  15. Timmiluvs

    I play video games fast Prestigious

    For beginners, Github really won't provide a lot of benefits, but it's still something you can use. Any kind of code examples you can put up there - like personal projects you worked on when teaching yourself a language or in a college class - will help give employers a sense of what kind of work you do. You don't want to just dump every random piece of code you have up there, but having a variety of stuff you've worked on is fine to showcase what you can do. Mine is a mixture of some personal projects as well as some stuff from classes I took,

    As for alternatives, there are a few (like SVN) which all kinda do the same thing which is source control for your code, but none of them are as widely used as Github and I don't know a whole lot about them. Something like Sourceforge doesn't really have the same traction anymore that Github currently has and you'd probably be better off sticking to Github for that reason. For Github projects, they have built in bug tracking, all the code you commit, you authorize who can commit to your repository and who can fork it, etc.

    If you're looking for a user friendly interface, I recommend the Github desktop app for Windows or Mac. It's a clean graphical interface that you just connect to your Github account and you can automatically pull down any repositories you have. Once they're saved on your computer, you can make changes to them, and the app will automatically detect those code changes and show you that you have uncommitted changes. Then it's as simple as committing those changes and pushing them up to Github itself - all can be done via the app. All you need to do to create a new repository is create it on the website and then clone it down to your computer with the app. Unfortunately if you're using a Linux distro for your OS you won't be able to have the app and you'll have to use the command line to interact with Git which is kind of a pain to learn, but there are tons of guides on it.

    All in all, source control is a major part of coding "in the real world" and even as a beginner, having a Github won't hurt because it will give you a chance to publicize your work as well as get a feel for how source control, branching, merging, etc. all work. If you're a front end dev, Github even has something called Github Pages which allows you to host a website through them, so you can create a website for yourself as well. Hope this helped!
    mercury likes this.
  16. mercury

    modern-day offspring fanatic Supporter

    GitHub is my recommendation for sure! I've used GitHub, GitLab, and BitBucket each extensively for work, but I always choose to host my own projects on GitHub. Its UI is the most intuitive to me, though that's more of a personal taste issue. Functionality-wise, each of those supports basic git operations pretty well.

    The article's bit about SourceForge having multi-factor authorization, issue tracking and a built-in code directory is true, but those are all things that GitHub has as well. It usually isn't slow, but they do have occasional downtime due to both internal errors and outside attacks, though. Bigger companies or security-minded developers might choose an alternative that they can host on their own servers to remove that external dependency.

    Any of them will be most useful to you when you're collaborating with others on your code; most of the stuff I love most about GitHub (pull request process, labelling, issue tracking, graphs and metrics) was most useful when I worked with a bigger team of people. It's still good to get in the habit of committing/pushing code regularly even if you're working on your own; being comfortable with source control goes a long way professionally, plus it's immensely helpful to have access to previous versions of your code.

    Anyways, GitHub tends to be the defacto choice for people, and it offers a ton of features, but any of them would probably do the job. It's also possible switch between repository hosting options if you needed or wanted to. I hope that's helpful!
    Jason Tate likes this.
  17. drewinseries


    I haven't contributed to open source projects on GitHub, do far I've only used it for jobs and it's come up every interview I've had. Granted my field is Bioinformatics and not straight software engineering.
  18. drewinseries


    Ended up getting an offer, going to accept on Monday barring no discrepancies in benefits package (though it's already appearing to be better than my current place).

    Going to be working on analysis pipelines for genomic analysis, handling sequencing output data and curation, working with researchers on specialized analysis tools. PSYCHED.
    scott, mercury and Timmiluvs like this.
  19. Timmiluvs

    I play video games fast Prestigious

    congrats homie, sounds like an awesome position for you
  20. drewinseries


    Thanks man, it's the perfect place to be in my career growth right now. I've been a research technician in a clinical computational lab, now I'm moving to a more data analysis role. Can actually call myself a "Bioinformatician" which has been the dream all along.

    CS came late in my education/interest but doing my school's CS minor was the best thing I did to compliment my BS in bio. May still attempt to make the move into a more straight software development role in the future (biologically apt software development is real big in Boston), and I'd certainly gain more skills and experience towards that in my new role, but for now I am really, really content.

    Kind of selfish/arrogant but I have been loving being on the smaller population of people that know computational skills around me. Learn a ton from fellow programmers/engineers, but also have the independence of being in a smaller populated skill set.
  21. Richard

    Trusted Supporter

    Congrats man! Great to progress like that and be doing what you wanna do.

    I'm hoping to move on this year to my next job - hopefully to a more modern company. I work in a very corporate environment at the moment, in a division not particularly suited for technical teams. Keen to get fully aboard the Javascript train too.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  22. Timmiluvs

    I play video games fast Prestigious

    I hardly do any type of frontend development, so anything involving CSS, HTML and Javascript is like a week long endeavor for me (I also have the creativity and artistic ability of a potato so that doesn't help). But I finally got a good design for the web app of my IP Tool.

    I went for a simplistic feel and look to it, with an emphasis on the the old school terminal color scheme which is always an appealing color balance to me so I'm happy with how it turned out and how it looks. Now all thats left to do is modify the core of my IP Tool to expose some wrapper functions via an FFI so my JS can call them and make use of them. Thankfully Rust has a great FFI setup so it's just a matter of writing those wrapper functions to make use of CType objects. Should only take about another week of working on it my free time.

  23. ReginaPhilange

    Trusted Prestigious

    i'll pay someone 50 bucks for an hour of work
  24. ReginaPhilange

    Trusted Prestigious

    literally have everything in place there's just a very small amount of code that needs to be written that I don't know how to do it cuz I'm not familiar with backend stuff. If my devs can't figure it out i'm literally down to pay someone 50/hour. shouldn't take more than two.
  25. Timmiluvs

    I play video games fast Prestigious

    Sent you a message
    Jacob likes this.