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Tour Prediction and Speculation Thread Tour • Page 607

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by Melody Bot, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    LA show isn’t doing hot either
  2. manoverboard365


    Wow I had to take a look for myself, yikes is right lol. St. Louis seems to be selling just as poorly. Like no way there's more than 1,000 tickets sold to each of those shows.
    By comparison the Brooklyn and NJ shows are doing fairly better. Still plenty of seats left but I'm sure they'll be sold by the summer. Just crazy how a band that just scored a #2 album and have their most successful single in 15 years are struggling with ticket sales like this.
  3. Xpertguy5


    Dodger stadium too ambitious. They should have booked BMO
  4. DarkestDayOfMan


    The first tour to be sponsored by Groupon probably.
  5. sleon.518

    idk man

    To be fair it's hard to sell someone on a tour like this when there's so much controversy out the gate, a somewhat mixed reception on the album they're going to tour on, and at least $100 to get into the venue. Kind of a bummer to see what's become of the Linkin Park legacy but idk.
  6. KindaFatMike


    i might go to the St. Louis date. If AFI or Spiritbox were the opener for my dateid already have tickets, probably good ones. maybe already buy them even if it were grandson, architects, or jpegmafia... but st. louis has jean dawson, who i know 0% about so any extra push to get them just istn there for me.
  7. Luis1988888


    It is a bummer what became of one of the first favorite bands that got me into rock music as a kid, i'm glad linkin park didn't end up touring with Mcr, which i'm still planning to see Mcr next year.
  8. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    I’m not good at understanding numbers so I was like oh mcr and linkin park both can’t sell out dodger stadium

    then mcr did it twice and im like oh yeah im still right Linkin won’t sell it out unless they have crazy sales but damn I was way off with mcr
  9. fourstarters

    John // OC now, OH forever.

    They moved Better Lovers from the UC Theater in Berkeley to 924 Gilman. That’s going to be insane.
    joe.boy.fresh. and ALT/MSC/FAN like this.
  10. Luis1988888


    I've never been to that venue even though i'm aware that it is a legendary punk venue, I was surprised Better Lovers was scheduled to play at the uc theater. After seeing how packed that place can get with Rise Against the venue felt too big for Better Lovers, I might try to catch that show.
  11. Jackbo487


    'Standard ticket' prices for Field Level (pretty far back after the grass/field area starting at $248.50 proooobably doesn't help. ouch
    Maddy likes this.
  12. fourstarters

    John // OC now, OH forever.

    Gilman’s a good time. No barricade, low stage, and some pillars around the room. I saw Set Your Goals and Fireworks there a couple of times.
    joe.boy.fresh. and Rmourz like this.
  13. Luis1988888


  14. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    I’ve been to Gilman twice and it’s actually a insanely cool venue
  15. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    That’s gonna be bananas.

    But also kind of answers my question a while back about how this tour is doing
  16. Maddy


    I don’t feel bad for these bands when those are the prices being charged…I could see some of these dates being cancelled due to “unforeseen circumstances”
    Jackbo487 and theagentcoma like this.
  17. CobraKidJon

    Fun must be always. Prestigious

    the bubble is bursting
    Nolocontendere likes this.
  18. Tifoil


    Wasnt there a rumour about Linkin Park doing stadiums? Im kinda surprised how poorly some shows are selling.
  19. Cmoney86


    Mike said they were aiming to do stadiums but never said where. the overseas dates are all stadiums and some of the bigger ones over there. They sold out Wembley. Attendance will prolly be over 90k for that show. They have Always been bigger overseas
  20. bigstupidjellyfish


    Jean Dawson is someone who Mike really seems to like (and probably makes good music too but I haven’t really listened to him all that much yet) but I think most LP fans want something like Spiritbox, Pvris, or Jpegmafia as opposed to him or Grandson. Hell, I’d bet that if they had gotten at least two of the three artists that Bad Omens brought up during the Dallas show LP fans would be more interested.

    I think rock/metal is just healthier in the EU/UK as opposed to it being specifically LP being bigger in those regions.
  21. fourstarters

    John // OC now, OH forever.

    Observatory is doing BOGO tickets for it.
  22. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    Yeah, that’s what initially made me wonder how it was selling. It’s been BOGO for a few weeks now, I think
  23. peoplearepoison

    It’s a perfect day for letting go... Supporter

    It’s just the prices. Like if it was 30-50 bucks for cheap seats to an arena show like it used to be? It would be a no brainer but if you want to go see like any other show during the year and you probably gotta pay for dinner, sitter, parking, drinks, etc. Like it’s a lot to ask of people
    ALT/MSC/FAN and Maddy like this.
  24. sam_might_say

    The intrusive whisper fascinates me

    I miss the days of $20 lawn tickets to shows
  25. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    Jean Dawson is amazing and actually super sick live