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blink-182 Band • Page 875

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Neighborhoods bad
    Greg and 333 GANG like this.
  2. I'll help you out: because it's actually good and a logical evolution of S/T and the post break up material all across the other projects.

    It's probably my second fave. Not usually in the mood for more traditional pop-punk and I've blasted S/T way too much, so Neighborhoods will often be the blink album I reach towards when I'm feeling like listening to them.
  3. slimfenix182


    Read this as dropped on their head as children
    Greg likes this.
  4. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

  5. Eva89

    Trusted Prestigious

    We’re so close!
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  6. tonyt3524


    Confuses me how they try to be so hush hush about official stuff but then answer questions for random junkets as if we already know some of this info lol
  7. Didn’t we already know all that?
  8. They’re gonna surprise drop it on Oct 31
    killahcam and BornToRun like this.
  9. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    Has It Leaked already debunked that
  10. tonyt3524


  11. Ronald.

    House of Protect Ron.

    Stoked for October and happy we haven't gotten half the album in lead up. 2 more songs before release would be ideal for me personally. also, that is an extremely hot take from Alabama that "She is out of her mind" is the best blink song of all time.
    killahcam likes this.
  12. Ronald.

    House of Protect Ron.

    Tom said the same thing to the kid that posted a photo with him at a restaurant in Chicago. Seems to have been locked for a while.
  13. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    She played/wrote the piano riff in the bridge so it's not that hot of a take coming from her - just (an understandable) personal bias. haha.
    Ronald. likes this.
  14. "She's Out Of Her Mind" is a top 5 California era song.
  15. Kibbles Jul 19, 2023
    (Last edited: Jul 19, 2023)

    Regular Supporter

    Childhood was one of the extra songs at the bottom of that list Travis made, wonder if it’s a deluxe edition track or if it was just in the running back then or something.

    Anyway sick of hearing about it let’s hear some actual music already

    Attached Files:

    killahcam likes this.
  17. Rustash


    This might be true for some, but as a member of said subreddit and also someone who ranks Neighborhoods pretty high, the rest is nowhere near true for me. I was 20 when Neighborhoods dropped and was a fan since 13 during the Untitled days. I've always been more of a Mark fan and, while I was into AvA when it first came about (because I was desperate for anything after the break up), I think +44 was far and away the better post-blink project.

    That being said, I wasn't really a fan of Simple Creatures and most of the Skiba-era stuff bounced off me pretty hard.

    So it could just be, you know, a difference of opinion and not much else.
  18. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    People are allowed to enjoy bad albums. But that’s a good reason to avoid Reddit.
    Ronald. likes this.
  19. Rustash


    I'm aware. Plenty of people seem to like California and NINE after all.
    unbornwhiskey likes this.
  20. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Blink and Gaslight on the same day? That’d be WILD.
    ScubaSteve182 and Ronald. like this.
  21. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

    I can’t have that!!

    They’re my 2 favorite bands both releasing arguably my most anticipated album in their catalog. I wanna devour each one endlessly without thinking of anything else lol

    (it’s a good problem to have and I’m so excited for both)
    ScubaSteve182 likes this.
  22. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Both are far superior to Neighborhoods. But neither are my favorites.
    333 GANG and bradsonemanband like this.
  23. Nine kicks ass, that’s why
  24. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Yea, Nine is the better Skiba album. Pin the Grenade? Damn.