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The Beer Thread • Page 31

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Jason Tate, Jan 16, 2016.

  1. alert=danger

    Eat The City. Eat It Whole. Prestigious

    Never stop.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  2. AFoolsGlory

    @MattW182 Supporter

    So good, isn't it? 5AM Saint and Dead Pony Club are both great too. Me and my mates go to a couple of micro pubs around town, and really getting into trying different crafts.
  3. eva

    Newbie Prestigious

    Thanks! I'm up in Los Feliz/Silver Lake.

    The Bruery is one of my all time favorites as well. I loved being able to drink their beers back when I was in Chicago, but now I'm stoked that I can access more of it. My boyfriend and I joined the Preservation Society, this quarter's bottle releases look amazing.

    I've been to Angel City once, which was fine, nothing I had really wow'd me. Just saw Mumford made a tribute beer for Phife Dawg of ATCQ, think I'll have to finally check them out now.
  4. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Ahhh!!! I have been so close to joining Preservation, but always hold back due to $$. I will soon though, for real.

    Mumford is a really cool spot, and they are brand new so I am not too worried about their beers not wowing me yet. I think you'd enjoy both Mumford and Arts Dist, just don't go to Arts dist at night on a weekend. SO. BUSY.
  5. lati

    formerly spaghettti Supporter

    currently drinking Ithaca Beer Co Flower Power
    Aaron Mook, J.Dick and DontTellMom like this.
  6. Drinking Heady Toppers tonight. 'Tis a great beer.
  7. JimmyIymmiJ

    Music, a steady riot in my soul. Prestigious

    Working my through the Toppling Goliath beers we have available here since we just started getting them. Drank a Rover Truck earlier, which was good but I've become some jaded on stouts at this point that I doubt I'll ever bother with it again. Trying Dorothy's New World Lager next. PsuedoSue was amazing, and Golden Nugget was good too, so I'm definitely hoping we start getting some more to try.
  8. Just got into Charleston, SC for the weekend and had HOPART IPA by COAST Brewing with dinner. Fantastically balanced IPA imo. Really enjoyed it.

    Headed to a few breweries in this area tomorrow afternoon: Westbrook, COAST, Holy City, Edmund's Oast, and Palmetto.
  9. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Hmmmmmm stores near me are getting KBS in for the first time, might have to find a bottle or two!
  10. jbaseball44

    Who Watches The Watchmen? Supporter

    where in the UK do you live? only ask cause if it's around London i can recommend some places that might have some
  11. williek311

    Trusted Prestigious

    Found a random Almanac beer among the boxes of beer I have in my apt. Huzzah.
  12. SavesTheNight

    Newbie Prestigious

    Does anyone else here enjoy Tröegs? I'm currently having a love affair with all of their line.
  13. Oddpac87

    Trusted Prestigious

    Finally stopping by here now that I've been forced into not being lazy.
    gonz (Alex) likes this.
  14. williek311

    Trusted Prestigious

    Most their beer is average at best.
  15. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    La Folie is great. I really enjoy that. They have a collab with Hof Ten Dormaal that I'm going to check out in the near future.
    MI doesn't get much from Chicago, but it's also stuff that is constantly being dropped off by regulars at my store, so yeah, not sure what would be up for trade. I'll let you know if I think of something.
    You had any Magic Rocks? They're from England (I believe...) and I had two of their beers at the Bell's 30th anniversary party. I had a sour pineapple saison which was the best beer I had that day, hands down.
    Sounds good. Wanted to throw it out there.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  16. SavesTheNight

    Newbie Prestigious

    whaaaaaaa???? ok, I can accept that its not for everyone, but I still think its pretty good. But if you think you have something better, I'm open to some recs.
  17. abusedcat

    Long Gone Before Daylight Prestigious

    Any Green Flash fans?
    Been on a big Le Freak kick lately.
  18. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    I'm enjoying A Tiny Beautiful Something, but it's not quite Mo. I've also decided that my favorite session is Citra Sunshine Slacker.
  19. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    The Enjoy By series is always so reliable. The 4.20.16 is one of the better ones I've had in awhile. Hits exactly what I like in an IPA.
    KidLightning likes this.
  20. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    I've only had HopBack Amber (which I enjoyed) and one other (which I don't recall). I've been wanting to try Nugget Nectar for years though.
    bigmike likes this.
  21. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    I had a bomber of that last weekend, and I need to pick up a 6-pack.
  22. bigmike

    Trusted Prestigious

    Nugget is so good. Was lucky enough to have a customer drop it off for me.

    They're just so good.
  23. Phillip


    I don't remember what I had there, but my friends and I went to the brewery a couple years ago. It was a cool place.

    Btw, my favorite beers are Dogfish Head 60 min. IPA and Coors Light, so I'm pretty terrible.
  24. fishguts182


    Had a nitro wheat ale by Sam Adams tonight. Alright wheat but would not be as good if it was not a nitro beer the creaminess makes it enjoyable.
    stnewton likes this.
  25. AFoolsGlory

    @MattW182 Supporter

    North East, so unfortunately not. Thanks though!