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Riot Fest 2022 (September 16-18, Chicago IL) Festival • Page 189

Discussion in 'Tour Forum' started by troyplaysbass, Sep 28, 2021.

  1. buttsfamtbh


    i wish all of you good luck. my friend i'm going with again just saw them 2 days ago here in cinci in the pit so i'm hoping that was good enough for her and i won't have to wait an hour after their set for her to get out so we can leave lmao
  2. simonthebutler


    As far as I know they don't check. Last time I went they just scanned the QR code and in we went but that was 2017.
    Justin Roux likes this.
  3. RogrStahlback

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah, me neither but last year I was watching Slipknot from what felt like a mile away. I'm not trying to be anywhere near the front, just want to feel more like I'm in a concert
    buttsfamtbh and Now:Navigate! like this.
  4. Kellan

    @kellanthomas Prestigious

    Hell yeah
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  5. CuttingMyFingersOff


    thats exactly what i did and it was perfect.
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  6. KindaFatMike


    the triangle vip areas for the 3 non-mainstage do get burried pretty easily during evening/night sets, but i dont know if ive ever noticed the main stage one be inaccessible since its further down the rail and attached to the rest of the deluxe area, if even THAT area was hard to get to, thats truly an unruly crowd haha. its been a few years since ive been deluxe, i dont remember if the sight lines from the deluxe area at large are decent enough or not. Im debating upgrading for just fri or sat (cant be drunk on sunday since im driving to an aftershow) but still figuring out which day ill get the most out the amenities
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  7. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    Last year, the primary triangle with decent viewing was on the other side of the main VIP area. The "main" deluxe area unfortunately doesn't have a view of the stage anymore. You could kinda see it if you craned your neck against the fence. Haha. But maybe they'll change that up.

    In 2018, though, it was perfect and an extension of the main area. Which was really really great.

    Okay, now I'm excited about seeing the map!
    KindaFatMike likes this.
  8. Tifoil


    I hope they bring back the two main stages next to each other. If they do, I will grab a spot in the middle rail and will be able to see Placebo-Descendents-TBS-AK3 and MCR without moving
  9. For anyone not going to see Trio Thursday night, my band - Jeff Schaller and the Long Way Home - is playing Burlington with Gemini Parks (Josh from The Anniversary).
  10. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    This new No Trigger album's really got me amped for their set! Probably gonna lead me to buying a ticket to Punk in Drublic here the week after Riot too...

    Easily my favorite pop-punk album of 2022 thus far. (Never thought I'd call them a "pop-punk" band, but here we are.)

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    I'm seeing MCR three days before in Detroit, so they're not a HUGE priority that I see them super close tbh. I know Ethan and I are planning on ducking out early so we can get to The Maine's aftershow earlier because of that.
    earthlight likes this.
  12. Oh man, I did not like it. A couple fun songs but I really don’t like the goofy vibe they went for. I had to put on Tycoon afterwards to remember why I love that band. Then I looked at setlists and it seems like they don’t play much from that album, which is a bummer.
  13. estacey99

    Oh yeah, oh yeah, everything is terrible.

    I definitely don't need to be super close for any set, I'm just here for the:star:vibes:star:
    ALT/MSC/FAN likes this.
  14. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    I unfortunately feel the same way, musically it’s great but it’s just way too cheesy for me. I might try to give it a few more listens though
    alkalinexandy likes this.
  15. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    I both wholeheartedly agree and disagree with this sentiment, hah. Some of it made me roll my eyes at first, but as it sunk in within the context of the record's concept (an acid trip that starts off real bad but ultimately leads to ego death and self-acceptance)... Some of the worst moments became some of the best for me.

    But it's also one of those records where I won't ever even try to argue with people who are like "WTF?!!" Haha.

    Either way "Coffee From A Microwave" has been stuck in my head since Friday and I really hope they add that one to the set list.
    Pokinatcha Punk likes this.
  16. Michael Schmidt

    Don't recreate the scene, or reinvent the meanings Supporter

    Love no trigger but the new album is not good imo. Assuming their riot set will be mostly new stuff and then hoping we get canyoneer at fest. It’s wild to not really play much from the their best album in Tycoon though. So many odd choices from them lately.
    troyplaysbass likes this.
  17. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    My Airbnb got cancelled :)
  18. earthlight

    Trusted Supporter

    That absolutely sucks. There are still some hotels available, a buddy of mine booked one a few days ago
  19. kpatrickwood

    Give what you can.

    Back to back triple conflicts hell yeah.
    Now:Navigate! likes this.
  20. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    yeah, we're just going to have to bite the bullet. We had our Airbnb booked since I think January in a decent location not too far from everything for the whole week, $700. Any hotel in an area close to anything seems like it's going to run us double that, minimum. Just sucks. They offered us a credit that won't even cover a single night anywhere and basically said to fuck ourselves.
    earthlight likes this.
  21. Had the same thing happen with an Airbnb for a vacation last year, and it really sucks, especially when I already had bad feelings about that company generally. They offered us like a $30 credit or something.
    anotherpancake likes this.
  22. twisterman2006

    Trusted Supporter

    So awful. Guess you were able to figure something out. We tentatively booked a hotel for ~3x our Airbnb cost but we're RIGHT at Navy Pier so we're within a much better distance of everything at least. Needed to book something. At least it's refundable in case we find something better in the next couple weeks.

    Either way, I cannot believe this is so close!
  23. simonthebutler


  24. Mike Dust 81 Aug 29, 2022
    (Last edited: Aug 29, 2022)
    Mike Dust 81


    Anybody else going to the GUK/Sparta after show.. place seems smallish but there are still tickets left and the price is reasonable

    I really really wanted to do SKA DREAM, but by the time I get back to my place.. I'll have 3 hours of sleep until we have to head to the airport... MAYBE THEY'LL ADD IT TO THE HUGE BLOCK OF NOTHING ON SUNDAY, CAN A BOY DREAM (pun or no pun intended)

    other than that, hyped
    alkalinexandy likes this.

    It's chaos. Be kind. Prestigious

    If it was a different night I'd consider it, but I'm hitting up The Maine's aftershow.
    alkalinexandy likes this.