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Clearing Up Some Blink-182 Rumors • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Aug 1, 2022.

  1. Former Planets


    I was thinking “what’s the worst possible replacement for Matt” lol
    IATAvalanche and parkerxcore like this.
  2. BradBradley


    Demi Lovato is punk now.
    Raku and parkerxcore like this.
  3. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

    I don’t know if Tom would be okay with it being a four piece. It’s his band, and if he’s back he probably doesn’t want the other guy to stick around anymore.

    Especially when working on new music, I feel like if it was eggshells with Neighborhoods - lord knows what it’d be like with a completely new person in the equation giving ideas.

    Though, this could also be 100% the opposite and maybe Skiba pushes Tom to be better and it gives him more room to breathe with new perspectives, and maybe we do see that four piece.
    RaginCajun, IATAvalanche and Raku like this.
  4. Bartek T.

    D'oh! Prestigious

    I'd love some new blink with 3 vocalists, absolutely! I could see that going in a darker direction sound-wise and it would be perfect.
    blink180ryan and .K. like this.
  5. parkerxcore

    Somebody's gonna miss us Supporter

    Tom will never let Skiba stay in the band while he's participating. They will tour with Tom and then tour with Skiba when Tom needs a break. Skiba will be fine with it because of the income.
    thechetearly likes this.
  6. None of us know what Tom wants or what he would agree to.

    performing as a four piece would be great simply because all of their songs have at least two guitars. Green Day figured that out a while ago!
  7. stephenvstrex

    grace upon grace

    tbh, skiba gave blink life again. good riddance, tom.
    huntercrunch, thechetearly and .K. like this.
  8. .K.

    Trusted Prestigious

    Tom’s other bands like Boxcar been four pieces and they are not called the Blink Trio.

    The fact that so many of us believe that Tom would be such a diva and have demands on rejoin the band is part of my gang up on him not coming back. Tom and Matt aren’t enemies or rivals as far as anything I’ve seen or heard.

    Honestly, do what works. If Tom can’t work with Matt or Jon, sounds like that’s a problem potentially
  9. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

    You’re right, but Blink always has been a trio, and mostly a group effort. Boxcar was created as a four piece, and was mostly a Tom solo project. They’re very different. It’s not about the number of people, it’s about the established dynamic.

    I think it’s completely valid to wonder how’d he’d react to a new voice being heard and considered in his oldest and most successful business that he’s now returning to. Regardless if it was Matt or someone else.
  10. .K.

    Trusted Prestigious

    They are.

    Mark, Travis and Matt are all frequent collaborators with other bands, artists and producers.

    If Tom can’t do that continue doing AvA albums and hang out with guys when you want to have a fun nostalgia meet up. You shouldn’t come back to the band with baggage. If kicking Matt out was a separate thing, and then called on Tom to replace him I think peoples opinion would be different.

    Matt saying he’s in the dark with his status is weird. I get the guys have been dealing with a lot personally and medically. I just hope they don’t make a decision on certain fans pressure. Breaking up with Tom a 3rd time would be a laughable embarrassment for the band. It could work. You never know.
  11. Former Planets


    They’ve always been a band that shied away from anything potentially embarrassing
  12. SFguitar


    Gave life? Everything they've done with Skiba has been mediocre compared to their stuff with Tom. Not that Neighborhoods was that great but I don't think they'll ever reach the quality they were from Dude Ranch-Untitled.
    Raku and killahcam like this.
  13. .K. Aug 2, 2022
    (Last edited: Aug 2, 2022)

    Trusted Prestigious

    Not giving Matt any credit is just non sense to me. Band went inactive and the guy strpped in. And Nine may not be traditional Blink, but that fully they weren’t just trying to copy cat their own sound and came up with something cool which lots of people enjoy.

    People have an unusual relationship with Tom/Blink fandom.
    AshlandATeam likes this.
  14. killahcam

    @killahcam Supporter

    Matt's not staying with Tom. Have you guys never noticed Mark and Trav's body language the times Matt (awkwardly) speaks during interviews? They both noticeably clam up and cringe. Travis doesn't even follow Matt on IG lol. It's so obvious Matt was a temporary hired gun and nothing more. Not that I endorse it, but the writing is on the wall.
    Raku likes this.
  15. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    If Tom decides to leave again, I think the band will be over. Or they could just agree to all call it at some point.

    Hoppus is 50 years old, the other two will be there soon. Truly cannot imagine 60-year-old blink-182.
    Raku likes this.
  16. .K.

    Trusted Prestigious

    Following people on Instagram shouldn’t really be considered status.

    Temporary hired gun joined in 2015 and it’s currently 2022. I think at some point that status kind of changes.

    Matt doesn’t need to be best friends with Mark and Travis. You watch Matt with Dan, and you see that same level of comfort that you see in Mark and Travis relationship. Matt may be a bit of character, but it’s not like Mark, Travis or Tom for that matter aren’t interesting characters (interesting doesn’t mean bad).

    And sooooooo many fans complaining about Matt and even I many cases hypothesizing and begging for Tom back may not be a welcoming environment.
    Bartek T. and AshlandATeam like this.
  17. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

    Tom’s coming back. It’s just a matter of when.

    It’s his fucking band. lol
    Raku and killahcam like this.
  18. Some yall need to chill.

  19. Former Planets


  20. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

  21. DannyZach


  22. theredline

    Trusted Supporter

    A variant of Tom from the mutliverse is going to join.
    blink180ryan and Raku like this.
  23. SFguitar


    So Tom Holland maybe?
    blink180ryan likes this.
  24. ManchesterOrch8

    Motel. Money. Murder. Madness.

    Former Planets and killahcam like this.
  25. theredline

    Trusted Supporter

    artbynickferran and SFguitar like this.