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Senses Fail - What The Thunder Said, Hell Is In Your Head (2022?) Album • Page 19

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by airik625, Mar 8, 2020.

  1. goosetoph

    u wut m8?

    The closing song is the emo dad anthem. Hits pretty hard
    Brent and Badtasteinmusic like this.
  2. this is my favorite Senses Fail record
    j0nnymarrzbar likes this.
  3. Finding that tough to think about after being bored by every single but holding out hope because I want to love this band again the way I did all the way up until Thorns (the last two records are alright to me but I LOVE everything before that).
    Badtasteinmusic likes this.
  4. I think the lyrics and themes are just really hitting home with me and it features some of their best choruses - it isn’t as heavy as renancer or fire but it def feels like the spiritual successor to still searching
  5. 333 GANG


    It’s weird. I didn’t like the first two singles from this very much at all when I heard them, but listening to the three songs that are out now, they’re all hitting me the right way.
    Badtasteinmusic likes this.
  6. goosetoph

    u wut m8?

    I wish Connie was featured more on the song she screams on. That bridge is the best part of the record and she feels buried in the background.
  7. Badtasteinmusic


    Man can’t wait to hear it in better quality that 128 haha
  8. helloiamzach


    Definitely one of the best Senses Fail records for a while, though admittedly I love 'Renacer' and 'Pull The Thorns...' but I know that's not a common thought by a lot of fans.

    I interviewed Buddy for my podcast - episode goes live on Thursday (the day before this comes out) so I'll post it here once it is.

    P.S. Not sure who owns/can edit the thread, but the album title is shortened to just 'Hell Is In Your Head' now.
  9. Badtasteinmusic


    Can’t wait for that interview. I love this album.
    j0nnymarrzbar likes this.
  10. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Wow. Had no idea this was out there.
  11. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Damn, this album has been kicking my ass all day. I get strong Still Searching vibes from this and I'm loving it. Still Searching is my favorite from these guys, so this is a very good sign early on.

    Also, for 128 kbps this doesn't sound bad at all haha.
  12. j0nnymarrzbar


    I appreciate If There Is Light but my favourite SF record from the last decade is easily Renacer followed by Thorns. Obviously Hell will sound nothing like those two albums, but for those who've caved into the dark side, where'd you rank it?
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  13. mattylikesfilms


    Still don’t know where I can get this leak (from a non sus site) but it’s out in 5 days anyways.
  14. koryoreo

    Trusted Supporter

    I’m pretty excited for this considering what everyone is saying. Still not a fan of Death By Water, but the other two singles were decent.
  15. Smee22


    Anyones vinyl order ship yet?
  16. Badtasteinmusic Jul 10, 2022
    (Last edited: Jul 10, 2022)


    I saw some shipping from revolver in the senses fail Fb group
    Smee22 likes this.
  17. Badtasteinmusic


    This album is dad emo in the best way. I cried twice listening to the closer thinking of my own daughter. Great song.
    CAC3, zachmacD, Smee22 and 1 other person like this.
  18. SFguitar


    Judging by the singles this album definitely doesn't have the catchiness factor SS has. That was the last album I liked by them but guess I'll check the rest out when it releases
    zachmacD likes this.
  19. zachmacD


    Interested to hear this on Friday. Honestly, I haven't expected it to sound similar to SS since Buddy said If there is a light... was going to sound like it was between LIEY and SS, but that album was more pop-punk then SF ever was back then.

    In preparation of the new album, I've been listening to LIEY and man, I forgot how great that album is. I've seen them so many times that I'm so used to how those songs sound live. Listening to it in order, for the first time in years, reminded me why I was so obsessed with them and this album when it was released. Even songs like Buried a lie, Rum is for drinking, and Bite to break skin, which are severely overplayed at this point, sound so good in context of the whole record.
    SFguitar likes this.
  20. SFguitar


    LIEY is one of the few albums that is pretty much perfect to me. No filler at all. They were my favorite band for awhile just because of the back to back onslaught of LIEY and SS being killer records. Unfortunately they never really recaptured the magic of those early albums.
    zachmacD likes this.
  21. LIEY is as nostalgic for me as any album - it rips but by god the lyrics are putrid / it’s why it’s so low on my SF rankings
    Badtasteinmusic and Dinkleberg like this.
  22. slimfenix182


    "If you pull the string" is my all time least favorite opening of a song lol. That album def sits alone way below everything Buddy wrote lyrically from SS and forward. Musically still love it though but yeah.
  23. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    liey is pretty much unlistenable. even if you ignore the deranged lyrics buddy sounds awful, the unclean vocals are terrible, and its extremely generic
  24. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    Yeah it’s one of the few albums I kind of cringe thinking I liked as a kid.
    Leftandleaving likes this.
  25. zachmacD


    his vocals are what attracted me to the band in the first place. As far as the lyrics go, I don’t take them serious and think of the album almost like a horror movie written from the antagonists point of view. It’s schlock, but I like schlock sometimes.

    They were also the first post-hardcore band I got into after story of the year (who I viewed more as a radio band at the time), and they reminded me of an edgier good charlotte or simple plan at the time. As an miserable 13 year old, that album scratched an itch those other bands couldn’t.