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American Football Band

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by bradsonemanband, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. teebs41 likes this.
  2. Mike Kinsella can do no wrong. I really hope American Football releases at least a new 7" at some point. I'd love to hear studio recordings of the new songs they've been playing live and teasing about.
    teebs41 likes this.
  3. Kennedy Prestigious

    same dude. self titled is an all time favorite. i would love to hear the new stuff recorded.
  4. Never Meant was the first song I heard by them on a mixed CD my friend game me in High School. Just realized they made a music video for that song years and years later.

    bradsonemanband likes this.
  5. ChrisCantWrite

    Trusted Prestigious

    Fantastic song. I always do my best to hold off listening to these guys during the summer. I highly recommended listening while on a fall walk if you haven't already.
    ianebaldwin and bradsonemanband like this.
  6. Jake Z


    Great great band. I know they have posted teasers about new material. I really hope it materializes soon.
  7. TedSchmosby


    @bradsonemanband Do you know where I can find the short clip Mike posted on Twitter (possibly Instagram?) a few months back that featured a new song? I remember you posting it somewhere on the forum but I can't seem to track it down
  8. congruence

    Got a light?

    This makes me want a new album very badly
  9. Horrorca


    s/t is one of my all time fav albums - a fuckin monument - love the songs, the playing, the atmosphere, the production, the cover, everything...

    so many memories attached to it - rainy evenings/nights - petrichor - amazing
    Cameron and Anti-Counter-Culture like this.
  10. Anti-Counter-Culture


    Love this band/album. So nostalgic, both as a piece of music, and because of memories attached to it. It's definitely one of the albums that got me into emo when it was still a dirty word for music fans.
  11. Jake Z


    JMO but I don't think emo got a bad rep until the mid 2k Hot Topic days.
    Joel and bradsonemanband like this.
  12. Anti-Counter-Culture


    I didn't find out about the band until the late 2000 Hot Topic Days, so I was way late on the bandwagon, haha.
    coleslawed and Jake Z like this.
  13. Horrorca


    I'm pretty sure Kinsella twitted something about recording some new songs a while ago... *fingers crossed*
  14. yeah, he's been working on a new Owen album and he's posted little various clips of (supposedly) new AF songs on Instagram.
  15. Horrorca


    new Owen is always welcome (s/t and At Home are amazing, and the rest is pretty cool too), but A effing F would be whoa
    Jake Z and bradsonemanband like this.
  16. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    bradsonemanband likes this.
  17. Kennedy Prestigious

    just saw that, why are we looking at all the same things on FB right now Casey haha.

    im going to say that video doesnt mean anything just so im not disappointed later
  18. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    I mean we do know something is coming eventually so...
  19. Kennedy Prestigious

    yes maybe sorta kinda someday probably it could
  20. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    I mean almost definitely
  21. Kennedy Prestigious

    hopefully, yeah.... :)
  22. Joel

    Trusted Prestigious

  23. Kennedy Prestigious

    I don't even know. American Football is one of my favorite albums ever, but I don't care if they ever put out anything else
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  24. TedSchmosby


    I'm totally fine with them remaining a one and done band, but the bits of new stuff I've heard sound so beautiful and I would love some more beauty
  25. Cody Prestigious

    Man, how would our circles even respond to a new AF album after this long. That would be just insanity.