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Angels and Airwaves Expand Tour

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, May 9, 2019.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    smowashere, 44DeLonge and Raku like this.
  2. Snoblin

    Goblin Person Prestigious

    Wasn't expecting that shout out to be so wholesome.
  3. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

    Looks like Tom wants to be there.
  4. CMilliken


    Snagged my tickets for the SLC show. It’ll be my first time seeing AVA. Pretty stoked.
    44DeLonge and Brent like this.


    I wonder what the setlists are gonna be like
    Raku likes this.
  6. Brent

    Trusted Prestigious

    out of this world.
  7. AsfAstAswegofar


    I don't know why his shoutout made me so happy. I like the respect and love.
  8. Raku


    Wow, I'm impressed by how classy Tom was being there.

    I mean, he didn't have to shout out Mark's projects, but it was cool that he did.
    Brent, smowashere and 44DeLonge like this.
  9. thekb23


    Mark gave Tom a shout-out too. It seems like they have buried the hatchet and may be back to being friends again which is awesome.
    CSWAPPO likes this.
  10. Ska Senanake


    Well let him back in dammit! Is it weird to want an A&A and blink tour? God that would be so weird if Tom was there but wasn't om stage with blink.
    Brent, Raku and CSWAPPO like this.
  11. MightyBrian

    This is where I am suppose to write something cool Prestigious

    humm i thought the Regency ballroom was a bigger venue, but maybe the warfield is bigger because it has more seats
  12. Darth Amory

    Sith Lord.

    Is it just me or does Tom seem very.... socially anxious in that? I live with diagnosed social anxiety and man that felt like me trying to say thank you but being overwhelmed.