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Blink-182 [ARCHIVED] Band • Page 758

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by popdisaster00, Jun 26, 2017.

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  1. Maybevictor

    @maybevictor Prestigious

    Makes up for all of the times I have to hear “but we have better curated playlists”
    jorbjorb and Jason Tate like this.
  2. kiguel182


    Hmm, it's interesting.

    It's catchy and different but I need some more time with it. I'm curious at least.
    jorbjorb likes this.
  3. Preserved Moose

    Amateur Hour

    Just bought it on itunes. It's a good song but it's definitely worthy of a "wehre'z the geetarz" criticism haha. Also Mark sounds like a robot. The 2nd verse it very Trio melodically at a couple of points which is cool. The ending is cool too. I can imagine people hating it since it's not rocky at all but it's not bad.
    jorbjorb likes this.
  4. MattNCheeze


    Remember when they premiered Up All Night and KROQ cut out the last thirty seconds.
  5. fran.182

    Regular Prestigious

    I really like the preview. Hopefully I won't be let down.
    j0nnymarrzbar likes this.
  6. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    Sometimes I don’t know what’s worse, people arguing about what game console is better or whether Spotify or Apple Music is better
    Shrek, Anthony_, SlappinCups and 8 others like this.
  7. [​IMG]
  8. Well we know the answer now pretty definitively thanks Blink :demon:
  9. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    Preferences are wild!
    Shrek likes this.
  10. Heron182


    Just heard it very pop I don’t hate it but I gotta listen few more times
    Preserved Moose likes this.
  11. MattNCheeze


    360 > PS3 but PS4 > Xbox One
    Maybevictor likes this.
  12. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    On Apple Music. Listening now!
    David Parke likes this.
  13. slimfenix182


    Lol someone already has a cover up but it's not blink, I assume it's whatever that fake was, I didn't see it haha
    TheJMan and bradsonemanband like this.
  14. topper182


    Definitely a grower, but i'm digging it after a few listens. A few cringe lyrics, but overall a good summer radio song. Hopefully we will get an album announcement soon with release date and title.
    Preserved Moose likes this.
  15. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    Uh, this sounds nothing like California, and it’s actually pretty awesome.
    sonder likes this.
  16. Jason Tolpin


    tick tick tick.....
  17. Maybevictor

    @maybevictor Prestigious

    Even as an Xbox one owner I gotta say this is the only true ranking
    MattNCheeze likes this.
  18. Hi res artwork:

  19. topper182


    Anyone know if they are going to be on Kroq this morning? They usually are but never saw an announcement.
  20. Heron182


    Sounds nothing like California btw I think it’ll do good on radio
  21. morken

    Not everything means something, honey Supporter

    Was pretty underwhelmed with Bored to Death when that came out as well, so my feelings are pretty much the same this time around. Gonna be interesting to see what direction the album goes in though.
  22. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Very different and very poppy. But catchy as fuck. Not what I expected but instantly stuck in my head
    sonder likes this.
  23. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    I think this is a way more exciting single than Bored to Death, and I like that song.
    David Parke likes this.
  24. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    You guys ever heard of not starting to eat your dinner until everyone at the table has their food?! Smh
  25. If you would have told me in 2002 (or 1999) that Blink-182 would do this bridge and song I woulda told you you're insane ... and I think that's a giant compliment to the growth and changing of the band and their sound and songwriting.
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