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‘Venom’ Teaser Trailer

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. defmytones


    Tom Hardy is perfect for this. Actually, Tom Hardy is perfect for almost any movie.
    coleslawed, morken, fenway89 and 2 others like this.
  3. Selkies

    That guy looks familiar

    Meh. You'd never even be able to tell this was for a Venom movie if it wasn't for the title shot. They should've waited so we could have at least gotten a little Venom in it.
    Davjs and josh.hofer like this.
  4. Please don't show Venom too early.Please don't show Venom too early.Please don't show Venom too early.Please don't show Venom too early.Please don't show Venom too early.Please don't show Venom too early.Please don't show Venom too early.Please don't show Venom too early.Please don't show Venom too early.Please don't show Venom too early.Please don't show Venom too early.Please don't show Venom too early.
  5. I have high hopes for Tom Hardy, I think he’s great. But, this teaser was just meh.
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  6. natefoundglory

    Trusted Supporter

    Needs more Foreman.

    But honestly very (cautiously) optimistic for this.
    jorbjorb likes this.
  7. justin.


    Hardy seems like a believable Eddie.
  8. Stevangelion

    We Can (Not) Make It Alone.

    This was a whole lot of nothing.
    TJ Wells likes this.
  9. kielhauck @kielhauck

    I've been waiting for this movie since I learned that they could make movies based on comics. Hands down my favorite character. Really hoping for some redemption after the Spiderman 3 travesty.
  10. caakle


    I don't give a shit about the comics or whatever, Riz Ahmed and Tom Hardy are both in this so of course I'll be there.
    coleslawed and fenway89 like this.
  11. Jared Luttrell


    Excited for this. Would also be awesome to see Carnage in a movie, it's a crime he's never been in any of the Spiderman movies.