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Thrice - To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere (May 27, 2016) Album • Page 41

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Jason Tate, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. Kmil


    Pretty disappointed we don't have a stream yet, I know they don't owe me a single thing, but man do I wanna listen to this. I blasted the Hotelier for a couple days straight and I love that album, but I always find myself thinking about this instead.
    Kevin360 likes this.
  2. IceStationZebra


    How do you pronounce that band name? I'm uninitiated.
  3. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    I've been pronouncing it hot-liar. I'm probably wrong.
  4. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    Didn't they used to be The Hotel Year? So I was always under the impression it was pronounced hoteleer
    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  5. IceStationZebra


    Pronunciation guides in YouTube say it like ho-tel-yer.
  6. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    That seems the rational conclusion of pronunciation. I've just not subscribed to it in my two weeks of being a fan.
  7. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    Which one? Still think I'm right. But I haven't listened to the band but once.
  8. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    Hotel-year. Makes the most sense.

    I probably sound pretentious pronouncing it hot-liar.
  9. Kmil


  10. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    What's going to be the quickest way to find this album in lossless that isn't paying $20 for a Tidal copy?

    Bummed, and assuming, that my vinyl preorders won't be netting me anything more than 320 mp3s.
  11. Deathco_019


    It's pronounced "hotel year," which used to be their band name.
  12. wood&wire

    just one of those ghosts

    The time signature variations in Death From Above have me psyched (although I haven't listened to it yet). I was just thinking about how crazy "Blur" is in that regard (are there other good examples?). It's a strength of theirs that should definitely be getting utilized, so I'm glad to hear that it is.
  13. airik625

    we've seen the shadow of the axe before Supporter

    You are actually bummed that you will be listening for the first time at 320kbps ha
  14. Kevin360

    Someday I’ll find me Prestigious

    Oh no. I'll enjoy the 320. I just want lossless as soon as I can get it.
    fenway89 likes this.
  15. Connor

    we're all a bunch of weirdos on a quest to belong Prestigious

    Why hasn't this leaked yet! I know it's out there somewhere

    DISCLAIMER: I preordered it so do not feel bad listening to a leak
    Dirty Sanchez and Madmod like this.
  16. Dannynat88


    One of my favorite things about Thrice is sometimes making odd time signatures sound so natural ie Wood and Wire has 7/4. Words in the water in 5/4 and some stuff in Artist. Pretty sure Fire EP has the most unusual time sigs. like Firebreather and Backdraft's Chorus need to listen to remember what the time sigs were. Trust alternates a bit too. Blood Clots has a section that goes from 5/8 ,6/8 ,7/8 to 4/4
  17. KalValor


    I quite like the time signature variations of Trust
  18. Deathco_019


    The section right after the first chorus of The Arsonist, before Dustin starts singing/whispering, is one of the best parts of this band's entire discography.
    Ryan Garner and KidLightning like this.
  19. Kmil


    I'd be happy if this somehow gets to me tomorrow, VA isn't far from MD, let's do this thing FedEx
  20. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Me when we get the album:

    Imgur Image
  21. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  22. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    If BOTS is one of the worst songs on here, then this is going to be the greatest album ever recorded.
    coleslawed and Dirty Sanchez like this.
  23. "Blood on the Sand" is a top three track imo
    Jose, fenway89 and Jason Tate like this.
  24. Kmil


    What's your other 2? Or do you wanna keep the mystique for your review tomorrow? haha
  25. IceStationZebra


    Again, I'm only going off what I've read and heard so far (which is everything). The top tier comes up consistently.