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Seahaven - Halo of Hurt (November 20, 2020) Album • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Leftandleaving, Oct 28, 2020.

  1. Built to Fail

    You and I are panoramic

    Lose is an absolute dream of a song. I can’t believe how good this band are.
    astereo likes this.
  2. halowithascrewloose

    Newbie Supporter

    Eraser is really something. Lost my mother 4 years ago, and even though I don’t know the story behind this song, these lyrics sure are resonating deeeeeeep.
  3. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Mmmm I Don't Belong Here is hitting real good. I think this is pretty good on first listen, but I just have a feeling this is going to really grow on me with repeated listens.
  4. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Yeah I dig this a lot. Outside of the aforementioned band comparisons, there's a real "existential dread" vibe here that I associate with MWY's [Untitled]. This doesn't have the full on chaotic moments like that album does though. I appreciate the restraint here though, I definitely thought the songs were going to lean into noisy endings or bridges, and the held off for the most part.
    beachdude and Thrillcollinz like this.
  5. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Half way through and this is so good. I love his lyrics and voice and always have, even if it isn't "technically" amazing, it just speaks to me.
  6. travisred

    Trusted Supporter

    HOLY SHIT. Starting off with bang. Void is killer. I held off on the singles so I'm pumped for the rest of this.
  7. Oviedotiger


    Really digging it so far! Glad to have them back, feels like a perfect record at this time too!
  8. flask

    Trusted Supporter

    This feels very dark.
  9. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    Going to be a grower for sure. Quite ominous.
  10. sean_rugy

    select all delete Prestigious

    this rules
  11. aspeedomodel

    Cautiously pessimistic Prestigious

    This is incredible...
  12. -deleted-


    I’m really blown away that they could top Reverie Lagoon. It’s so good. Heavy lyrically, atmospheric instrumentally. This album has it all.

    I think this just snuck in as my AOTY.
    astereo likes this.
  13. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    lose is so good
    smowashere likes this.
  14. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    this drummer is putting in the WORK on this album
  15. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    dont mind me just over here in tears listening to eraser. wtf
    halowithascrewloose likes this.
  16. okayibelieveyou

    Tam Rogic CSC Prestigious

    Brilliant. That quiet to loud shift on Void really makes you sit up and pay attention.

    Going to get a lot of listens.
  17. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    astereo likes this.
  18. angel paste

    grey hairs, get out of me zoots! Prestigious

    Dandelion is next level, wish there was more like that on here tbh
  19. DrawYourMind

    Regular Prestigious

    This is great
  20. Micah511 Nov 20, 2020
    (Last edited: Nov 20, 2020)

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Bass too. Bass in Lose is one of the catchiest parts of the album.
    beachdude, azzy01 and LightEmUp34 like this.
  21. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    this album is crazy good. brooding: the soundtrack
  22. azzy01


    This blew my expectations away. It's amazing. Musically they take some huge risks on this, songs are very dynamic, varied and genuinely interesting.

    Vocally Kyle sounds great, he mixes it up enough to the point where it doesn't get boring. And lyrically it's superb, love the storytelling on this. As each song progresses more and more of the story / break up is unfurled. I genuinely enjoy his writing style on this, it's not your typical break up lyrics as he explores what seems like both sides of the story.

    Looking forward to continued listening of this. There's so much to pick up on
  23. Ed59_


    This album is incredible and I'm so grateful they didn't call it a day.

    They've managed to make an album that is fresh for them but also sounds like all of their past releases combined. Beautiful.
    Onlyadirector and astereo like this.
  24. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    Wow, that intro track fucking FLOORED me! This rules so far.
  25. Harbor is one of the best songs of the year