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Coheed and Cambria - Vaxis - Act I: The Unheavenly Creatures (October 5, 2018) Album • Page 53

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by amorningofsleep, Jun 22, 2018.

  1. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I've listened to GA1 so many times but I've never really payed any attention to the lyrics. Ten Speed is mental and I love it.

    "But are you going to kill her off?"
    "It's not your decision. I love the character, she stays."
    "Yeah, well the only thing love's done is put you in this position; I say kill her off!"
    "Yeah, but you say a lot of things... and how does that work? You're a bicycle"
  2. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    All of the lyrics are absolutely mental on GA.

    I don’t like Iron Fist, but Away We Go and Dark Side of Me are both pretty good. I like Descension overall more than Ascension, but...

    Domino is a jam.
  3. christsizedshoes


    Domino's lead as best track on Afterman is probably the largest of their catalog, IMO - don't think anything else on either disc comes close

    Gravity's Union is cool and has the structure of their longer prog stuff, but it's somehow still kind of one note in a way. Outro rocks, though. I think production also holds it back some.
    Micah511 likes this.
  4. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I kind of think we might look back at The Dark Sentencer this way in time. I prefer Gravity’s Union because you can actual hear the lead guitar, but Domino, Afterman, Vic, Evagria, Sentry, Number City, Gravity’s Union, and 2’s My Favorite 1 all highlight the best of what Coheed does, and I don’t think Domino is far and away better than any of those.
    unbornwhiskey likes this.
  5. christsizedshoes


    I completely agree and almost mentioned that. TDS outstays its welcome and could've been a solid 4-5 minute outing. Even Gravity has a bit more meat to it, actually, with a couple tempo/time signature changes.

    Those are generally the same highlights I have from the Aftermans, but I'll always lean toward their more adventurous prog efforts when they're done properly. It doesn't get any better than that feeling when you start having to wonder, "how did anyone come up with this chord progression and vocal melody?" And then the song makes a huge transition into a totally different section that begs the same question. For me anyway, even top-tier pop Coheed like 2MF1 isn't gonna top that.
    Micah511 likes this.
  6. musicfan10


    Can we get some love for sentry the defiant????
    Pepetito, SpyKi and theagentcoma like this.
  7. vidiviciveni


    I think Evagrias one of the best things on both albums. Such a random tropical Coheed beat.
  8. Bryan Diem


    Dorney park plays a ton of coheed during halloween. The suffering, cuts marked, delirium, everything evil, every intro... heard tons there as a kid and went with my family a few weeks ago and it's still in rotation
  9. manoverboard365


    Not even 24 hours since posting my rankings and I already want to change it haha. This band can't be ranked, it's all great.
  10. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    my favorite song on this is now the gutter
  11. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    Those harmonics in the chorus
    chewbacca110 and sophos34 like this.
  12. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    when the chorus switches to halftime and he sings “down in the gutter” ....... pure ear candy
  13. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    My totally uneducated top five is

    A Favor House Atlantic
    Welcome Home
    Ten Speed (Of God's Blood & Burial)
  14. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    oof get ready for some real negative feedback on that pick

    i however fully back your decision
    beachdude, waking season and FTank like this.
  15. atlas


    Feathers is not top 5 but it is definitely top 12ish

    my top 5 is *probably*

    Willing Well I
    Willing Well II
    The Crowing
    Ten Speed
  16. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    The poppier tracks have always been the most memorable ones to me from this band, I'm sure that's quite unpopular though
    beachdude, SpyKi and waking season like this.
  17. waking season

    Trusted Prestigious

    I just love how even their 8+ minute prog songs have the hooks of 3 minute pop songs
  18. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Going through GA1 now, this is a behemoth of an album. When I first heard this in 8th grade or whatever, I had a lot of trouble getting into it because it's so long and dense. It's wild listening all the way through for the first time in years
    beachdude, Joe4th and SpyKi like this.
  19. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Fuckin' yes. That song packs such a punch. Such a banger.
  20. vidiviciveni


    1. Blood Red Summer
    2. Wake Up
    3. IKS
    4. Welcome Home
    5. Feathers

    Probably, I dunno, Evagria Island and Toys are close
  21. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    Nothing wrong with liking poppy Coheed. These are all top notch songs.
    FTank likes this.
  22. unbornwhiskey


    "feathers" is the best song
  23. musicfan10


    Most underrated song in their catalogue is junesong provision
  24. Bryan Diem


  25. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    So, I’m wondering if revisiting The Afterman knowing the flow of Unheavenly Creatures would work. I took out Holly Wood and Iron Fist because I’m not huge on them, and Pretelethal, because I don’t know where it would fit. Here’s what I came up with.

    The Hollow = Prologue
    Domino = The Dark Sentencer
    Afterman = Unheavenly Creatures
    Mothers of Men = Toys
    The Hard Sell = Black Sunday
    Dark Side of Me = Queen of the Dark
    Sentry = True Ugly
    Goodnight, Fair Lady = Love Protocol
    Away We Go = The Pavilion
    Number City = Night Time Walkers
    Vic = The Gutter
    Evagria = All On Fire (only one that doesn’t work)
    Gravity’s Union = It Walks Among Us
    2’s My Favorite 1 = Old Flames
    Subtraction = Lucky Stars

    It’s only 71 minutes. About to listen and see what I think about it.
    Rowan5215 and sawhney[rusted]2 like this.