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blink-182 Band • Page 1454

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. morte


    I don’t usually listen to WYHSB, it has a bitterness vibe that gets me sad, like I imagine what Mark was going through, and it brings me memories of a sad blink era. It is a great album though.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  2. Luis1988888


    Stockholm Syndrome is easily one of their best if not their best song. From Feeling This to Stockholm Syndrome is basically perfect.
  3. iamNex

    I miss you, feeling this and stockholm syndrom are my 1st, 2nd and 5th favourite songs of all time.

    (3: flowers and you by touche amore, 4: cute without the e by TBS)
    Raku, cbronder1 and chewbacca110 like this.
  5. TheJMan


    Seems like the perfect time to release a 21 year anniversary edition with demo tracks, and live concert from 2013 and 2003/2004 if they have one recorded.
  6. ChampsMusic

    My favorite album forever and after.

    I know Mark is vehemently against ever putting out any demos from anything, but I would love to hear Punk Kid eventually. He also mentioned the possibility of those 2013 Untitled Anniversary shows being put out in some way, shape, form.

    Bottom line is that Untitled definitely deserves a huge anniversary boxset treatment at some point. Not just a new vinyl color. A full blown boxset of goodies like this:
  7. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Green Day always laps blink with stuff like this. It's a real bummer.
  8. Does anyone listen to the "extra" stuff more than once?

    I always give it a listen for a "that was kinda interesting from a historical perspective thing" ... and then I never listen to it again.
    Raku, andi182, slimfenix182 and 2 others like this.
  9. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I do on full discography runs.
    Raku and bradsonemanband like this.
  10. ChampsMusic

    And beyond that I feel like a band as big as blink has the opportunity to do much grander things stemming from promotion to production.

    I absolutely was blown away with the most recent tour production and The Stall was fun. However, I definitely think they have the ability to do what MCR is currently doing with their tour announcement and beyond. They have the money and resources, ha.
  11. That Green Day anniversary album is over 4 hours. And most of it's pretty rough to even get through. I haven't finished yet.
    Raku likes this.
  12. ChampsMusic

    I will say I do not own a boxset of any album or anniversary, but Untitled would be the one and I'd definitely listen to any extras or any pieces surrounding that album/era.
    Raku likes this.
  13. make everyone mad and speculate wildly? I think they got that locked down. ;-)
    Raku and ChampsMusic like this.
  14. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    I love the Enema demos because they really illustrate how awesome Jerry Finn was around that time in helping shaping what would be the final record.
    Raku and morte like this.
  15. blink.jpg

    Punkrocker, Jay182, Nathan and 7 others like this.
  16. Darth Amory

    Sith Lord.

    Just listened to WYHSB from start to finish last night for the eight millionth time... I wanna see Mark and Tom do "Make You Smile" but just make Tom do the girl parts haha.
  17. chewbacca110

    "I'll chew on a dog!"

    Jason Tate likes this.
  18. Will have to review when I try them.
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  19. iamNex

    Chapter 13 is a top 10 song in the blinkverse. Would have loved a version with Matt
  20. slimfenix182


    Demos are massively overrated, sorry
  21. Ronald.

    House of Protect Ron.

  22. Luis1988888


    @Jason Tate that's badass! I can go for a Blink 182 IPA
    Jason Tate likes this.
  23. marceting


    Interscope Records holding so many cool artist shirts for random. This Blink one is $550

    Attached Files:

  24. One of my fav movie going experiences was Phantasm as a kid with my dad. Pure joy.
  25. Heron182


    Where at ??