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Blink-182 Share Two New Songs • Page 2

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Sep 21, 2023.

  1. gbuffers


    Not even going to pretend I didn’t have tears in my eyes watching One More Time. Surely it’s everything a blink-182 fan wanted to hear
  2. brentstailing

    Newbie Supporter

    One More Time is a serious gut punch to the heart and causes my eyes to leak.

    More Than You Know is just pure punk rock perfection.
  3. thechetearly


    The ballad is good. The fast one is absolutely unreal levels of good!!!!! Been on repeat all day.
    falafelmywaffle and Raku like this.
  4. somethingliketj

    And that's why you always leave a note.

    Blink 182 was like "you know how everyone likes our dick jokes? Let's see if we can make them cry." BOOM.
  5. Dead_Presley


    Whelp. That just made me call in to work and bring out my fender strat again to play along to the oldies and now, new tunes. My best friends 3rd anniversary of his death was a week ago and he was the one who started me on blink…and music in general at 9 yrs old. Always think of blink and fond memories. Thank you blink
    punkermd, Crisp X, Frinet42 and 6 others like this.
  6. Turkeylegz


    I'm so sorry to hear that. I cannot imagine how hard that must be. I'm glad you can find comfort in the music.

    Songs are great, great. Can't wait for the album.
    Raku likes this.
  7. theredline

    Trusted Supporter

    Good songs. I was hoping One More Time would go big at some point. But still a good tune. MTYK is closer to what I’m hoping for. Hope there’s some tunes that just explode like Man Overboard, Up All Night or Reckless Abandon. It sounds like it’s there…can’t wait!
  8. somethingliketj

    And that's why you always leave a note.

    Yeah, if the song doesn't do it, the video will. Masterful.
  9. ben.


    Is anybody else utterly taken aback by the angst that seems to have miraculously returned to Tom’s voice? It really is, prime, untitled-era, TD — and boy am I here for it.
  10. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    Seems like Edging might be the worst song on the record.
  11. Former Planets


    I wouldn’t count the boys out just yet
    SFguitar and falafelmywaffle like this.
  12. ben.


    I can’t believe it even made it onto the record, personally…
  13. It was a massive success (and it's great).
    wisdomfordebris, Toner, snaps and 7 others like this.
  14. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    I get why they released Edging as the first single when they did and it did work.

    For me personally, that’s just not what I want to hear from Blink-182 anymore, I guess. These other 2 and the clips from the trailer have me very excited for this, especially after not feeling that way after Edging released.
  15. Raku


    Yeah, More Than You Know was a fun song, and OMT was powerful (I started to tear up during that montage of old clips towards the end). Really happy to have this band back in my life.
    Ryan and falafelmywaffle like this.
  16. falafelmywaffle

    Without music, life would be a mistake. Supporter

    Exactly what I was thinking! I figured it’d be ‘yay we’re back here’s a fun song’ but then not put it on the record.
    thechetearly, Colby Searcy and ben. like this.
  17. dnaps


    All great songs, including edging for me. Love that tune
    Turkeylegz likes this.
  18. Raku


    Honestly, might just be me being greedy, but it would be cool if they had also released an ep with the songs that didn't make the album cut and put Edging there.

    Which would give us the album of fresh new songs and an ep of other cool songs (with the reunion single on it).
    falafelmywaffle and ben. like this.
  19. Steeeve Perry


    Long time fan here but this made me laugh
    Former Planets likes this.
  20. Zeke


    Wow, both songs are amazing! I can't stop listening to themB-)
  21. thechetearly


    dude Tom sounds sooooooo good. Seriously.
    ben., Raku and parkerxcore like this.
  22. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    Also, confession;

    Once I saw the video and listened to MTYK I typed in because I’m old.
  23. Damien Davies

    Trusted Supporter

    Yeah, these songs are great
    falafelmywaffle, Raku and Turkeylegz like this.
  24. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    Piano intro in MTYK is straight Stockholm Syndrome
    thechetearly, Raku and palebluedot like this.
  25. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    Tom sounds fucking great kinda mind blown