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Accountability in Music • Page 497

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by OhTheWater, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    If she was hungry 6 hours before eating, that means she was already going several hours without eating before that. Kids should be eating 3 meals a day, not going without food for 10-12 hours because the dad is going on some weird power trip. There's a reason why school lunches are considered to be so important for kids... because it affects their brain function
  2. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    If this dude is telling the truth about how hungry she was and how long he waited to feed her, take her away from him immediately.
  3. RyanPm40 Jan 4, 2021
    (Last edited: Jan 4, 2021)

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Well yeah no shit, that's literally all we have to go off of. This conversation is under the assumption that the story being told is abusive.
  4. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    I’m under the assumption that he is a typical twitter dweeb who makes up stories about his kids to get attention. That’s incredibly problematic as well, as stated above
    stars143 likes this.
  5. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Ok but that has nothing to do with my original comment you replied to? I never claimed one way or the other.
  6. Marx&Recreation


    I am willing to bet everything I own that the kid will be far more traumatized by her dad forever memorializing this story on the internet for the world to see than she will ever be by the time her dad was an asshole about making her open a can of beans herself
  7. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    I don’t think there is a single person in here who said that this wasn’t abuse that believes he did not feed his daughter to the point of malnutrition. If they did, that’d be absolutely insane lol.
  8. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Exactly. Like I said, the blowback of this is infinitely more damaging to her mental health/relationship with her father than the can opener thing. I mean, it’s still all on him for being a dickhead. I feel bad for her
  9. genericities

    I'm a fan of not making judgements about the dynamics of a parent-child relationship without access to the child's interpretation or at the very least additional info/context beyond a 6-hour snapshot. The story in question is ambiguous enough to make judgement difficult, imo. Most situations aren't black and white!

    Also, there's an argument to be made that this would actually be harmful if/when she grows up and reads it all. She has the right to eventually interpret her experiences in her own way, without having them pre-ordained by strangers.
  10. cherrywaves


    I thought he said in the replies that she had a full meal just a few hours before but idk
  11. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Fair points made by everyone, and I apologize for my snap judgement
    OhTheWater likes this.
  12. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    To be clear, and I think everyone is on the same page: this dude sucks. No doubt he’s probably an insufferable dork to be around, and that’s just from the bean story. He’s an increasingly popular Twitter archetype of “hip” parent who either lies or overshares their kid’s quotes, actions or failures online to appear relatable. Those people all suck.
    He appears to be trying a Hodgman schtick, but failed. The anti-semitic, racist and other horrible shit he posted is the nail in the coffin and rightfully so. fuck him for tweeting that shit, even under the guise of being a sarcastic lib

    My reason for not wanting to call “abuse” is because, like @genericities said, we don’t know the full story/how his kid feels. If this ended at him being trashed on Twitter and publicly dragged as an abuser, I still think that would’ve caused some mental health issues if the daughter grew up and read all about it.
    mr_november, cherrywaves and RyanPm40 like this.
  13. I don’t deal in defining abuse for others who haven’t already defined it as such, but the combination of those racist and antisemitic tweets (which, if the kid is 9, he often did after she was born), the story in question, the immediate need to share how funny he thought it was with strangers online, and the all-day doubling down definitely makes me think that he shouldn’t have kids
    AndrewSoup likes this.
  14. phaynes12 Prestigious

    what kind of beans
    Kingjohn_654 and Drew Beringer like this.
  15. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    I'm glad he was just being an asshole but i understand that sarcasm doesn't travel well on the internet and everyone is in a super vulnerable place
    Orla and stars143 like this.
  16. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

  17. stars143


    Seems like a good apology. I can't imagine being a semi-successful podcast host only a couple of thousand/tens of thousands people listen to and then suddenly become the Villain of the Day to tens of millions of people for a bad twitter bit you did. Probably a wise move for him to take a step back, but it's really unfortunate timing for his co-host Ken Jennings.
    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  18. phaynes12 Prestigious

  19. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    The thing is, there is a 10000% chance that some of the quasi famous Twitter libs dragging him were also pulling that "ironic racism to show how good of an ally" thing years back. It very stupid and insensitive of him to do, I'm glad he got called out for it and apologized. I absolutely did dumb shit like that when I was in college (maybe not using the N-word because...yeah) and it was insensitive and stupid and I'm super embarrassed that I acted like that.
    mr_november and stars143 like this.
  20. Marx&Recreation


    Some of? That was just an extremely mainstream sense of humor up until like 2015. Especially so if you were heavily online. If anything it’s weird for people to act surprised about it every time this happens, which is multiple times a year at this point lol
  21. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

  22. stars143


    There is also humor that seems normal and fine in 2020 that will look bad a decade or two from now.
  23. the rural juror

    carried in the arms of cheerleaders

  24. Bane

    The spiciest meme

    Cna't say I understand "ironic racism to show that I'm a good ally", I guess the closest I got to that was watching Shane Dawson from like 2009 to 2012 or so lol
  25. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Not explicitly saying racist things, but it stems from the idea that the person feels they are “one of the good ones” and therefore uses harsh/offensive language to try and mock “real racists”.

    See also the run in the 00s of rock groups “ironically” covering hip hop and not censoring out the n-word. “I’m not racist, I’m paying homage”. Truly embarrassing shit
    Aaron Mook likes this.