Good call. Like I said my wormhole brought me to reading some of the Bowie stuff in the 70's and then stumbled across that. I hope that Jesse is...
You're most likely right. You go down a wormhole on the interwebz and it puts you in a dark place.
This just seems too warped. I hope so much that what we've heard is full extent of it all, but this link rubbed me wrong considering the things...
In my case it's a baseball thing. I promise the ass slapping was consensual.
Appreciate it Teebs.
I was around on the old site a bit. I guess that makes me new here. Super into the scene and then wife and kids and the whole 9 yards. I guess...
I can see the Foxing comparison for sure.
It's like The Antlers and Modern Baseball had a baby to me. There's a lot of influences (BN included) on it, but it feels pretty fresh and...
Check out that Caracara album.
I think Evil is my favorite on here, but Apotheosis is a close second. It's a different sound, but for some reason reminds me of The Antlers -...
I know this is a little off topic, but this new Caracara album is making being a let down Brand New fan a lot easier.
Mike S.?
Maybe Kevin doesn’t know what you know?
The wife loves As Tall As Lions....what the opinion on them nowadays? They were always boring to me, but not bad.
Yeah I did too. Messaged Andy about it as well.
I haven't listened to an album start to finish so many times in a week in over a decade. Really digging this album.