Been listening to The Lonely Forest over the last couple of days. So many great songs. [MEDIA]
Based on those pics I think the darker neck would look cooler with that colour body.
I was just looking into these the other day! Apparently those ones for the promo magazine were the only ones ever made. They look so awesome. I...
Enjoyable stream. Very deceptively intricate basslines. Also man does that album just sound amazing production wise even just over twitch. The...
Whoa this is crazy! Bohemiam Whatsody? The song changed??! *Gets out of chair* :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:
Thanks! Now I just have to try and buy one of these "socket" things and try not to rip all the wires apart haha.
Can anyone tell me what kind of tool I need to tighten the input jack on my strat? Keep in mind I'm a total DIY related moron so please be...
Yeah I think his songwriting process is still the same and it's usually the same intervals between chords or notes in melodies (I don't know the...
Tom has an ability to make every AVA song sound exactly the same yet somehow strangely different.
The melodies just aren't grabbing me instantly like Immunity on a first listen. Like the Alewife melody is one of my favourites of all time and...
Haha yeah that kind of thing exactly why I was asking!
So good. Also can I just ask a really dumb question here: Is it pronounced Hovdy or is it a wacky stylised way of writing "Howdy".
Interesting song. Sounds like about 3 songs from Colour Theory melded together by some wacky electronic artist. I like it!
I don't know any technical shit about specs but it looks awesome!
[MEDIA] What a song.
Just finished it. I loved the supportive wife and the complicated shirts bits.
When someone is being interviewed and they hold on to the mic even though the interviewer is still holding it.
So heartbreaking. I’ve been going through the same thing for the last 3 years. Needless to say it’s a fucking living hell. At least his slightly...
The first verse barely even sounds like him. It's like either someone doing an impression of him or him doing an impression of someone else.
No I think that's pretty interesting too. My favourite there is refusing to go for the full Flicker Fade. What a time saver! Also I sometimes...
This sounds incredible just in terms of the mixing or engineering or whatever. I've seen a couple of these old AOL sessions from other bands and...
[IMG] Hey Tom just start selling these and I'll single handedly fund about 20 outer space missions for you.
I just checked it out and didn't even get a birth chart thing. It asked me to invite 3 guests to a dinner party.
If I was in TBS for those two albums I'd probably never shut up about it either tbh.
I'd never heard this song before today but I've been playing it all day hahaha. The chorus is so good!