wow, these are the best jimmy songs since futures.
OK after listening for a couple of days, this album is really growing on me. Even "Wake Me."
I've now listened not once, not twice, but Thrice. LOL. I really enjoy It Has To Start Somewhere, On My Teeth, Bloodlust, Sink With You, Ihateit,...
Listened as if this was a new band and really enjoyed it.
HAHAHA I burst out laughing at this. SO stoked to have a new Underoath (with Aaron) record in 2018. I also love that they're cursing, and I can...
Sampled each song and then found myself listening to TTTYG. Guess I'm finally THAT guy. :/
"451" almost sounds like something FOB would write, but better.
"In The Water" sounds like a Dave Matthews song, don't @ me. JK. This is incredible.
After that last halfnoise record, seems like Zac had quite a big influence! With 3 great songwriters working together, this album is sure to be...
Now I'm curious... which FOB/TBS/RJA songs have the same chorus?
So cool to get another Acceptance album after waiting all this time. My favorites are "Come Closer," "Sunset," "When I Was Cursed," and "Golden."...