I haven't seen a Vine in almost a year... :O Does anyone ever read guides for gaining more Twitter followers? I'm an on again/off again Tweeter I...
Oh an Underoath reunion? Does this mean new album?? Disambiguation is okay... but not so memorable. Love that Aaron is back, his voice was always...
If I was to get a tattoo, i'd probably get the Ø symbol
So when do we get to live on Mars? And do we even want to? Looks a bit blank.
So when does Jon Snow defeat the whitewalkers?
Will be interesting to see who the movie focuses on... Hiddleston and Jackson seem to get the most screen time.
Remember when Rare made good games?
Give me Pikachu and that's fine. He is ultimate pokemon
Does removing the headphone jack really make so much difference? I mean...really.
Twolves are full of promise but still losing... typical.
People still play Pokemon Go? LOL
Saw Jason Bourne recently... was a bit of a disappointment. Some decent action scenes, but nothing we hadn't really seen before. The story is meh,...
So excited for this after the second trailer. Looks like the Kong movie I've been waiting for. Jackson's was perhaps the worst movie I've ever...
just got Forza Horizon 3... It's pretty sweet, one of the better arcade racers in a few years.
I'm really liking Heineken lately... kinda avoided it for a long time, but now I'm happy with it.
Love this contraption. Easy Way To Prepare A Turkey For Thanksgiving
No. The Rock will. Will USA be so different with Trump?
Feel like Pixar quality has dipped a lot... Toy Story 3 was last good film.