I would argue this actually is their most accessible album - even if it sounds like their least. They brought in A wide range of pop influences in...
If it wasn’t for Gojira absolutely crushing it at the Olympics, this band should have taken the Grammy. That Paris performance was legendary
Transformers One was so so good
Even if you don't enjoy this album (for whatever reason that may be), this has all been such a watershed moment for heavy music and it just makes...
Really really liked Martyr! by Kaveh Akbar. And he namedrops Jane Doe and many other bands several times so this site should like it by default lol
Most interested in the David Lowery episodes
congrats! in the same boat as you bud. timing for watching any new movies is now going to be on a 3-6 month lag lol
Fully expecting for Kdot to be playing Metlife Stadium and similarly-sized venues over the summer. Move over MCR
Yeah people shelling out these prices has to crater at some point right? Who are these people spending $300-$500 a month to go to these arena pop...
yeah I gave up, even on the added bk dates. prices are out of control.
a bit late to getting around to this but... wow, just wow on this
yeah wtf, like theres no way the demand is actually that high
DAMN. also has a certain, jilted darkness (?) to it (and his other records) that’s completely washed out here.
Yeah it is a good review, and the points they make are valid (outside of the reincarnated take lol). I disagree personally though. however, I...
I don’t share that at all lol
Evil Dead remake is still his best movie imo
Yup rewatched this today and can firmly say this is my third favorite Alien film. Going to be pretty rewatchable too because it’s gorgeously shot...
Biggest whiff of this movie is the Bjorn character. He’s so annoying, and in a bad way
I think the better way to phrase it is I enjoy this "mode" of kdot more than morale. but both are incredible and it's intended to be that way I guess
yup 10000%
dodger blue is spectacular as well
how the hell does jack have enough time for all of this shit. most prolific producer of our generation wtf
tv off yoooooo