Jesus Christ what a sick fuck.
Looks so sick! Chasing Shadows is a sick EP and I'm psyched to have it in vinyl now. Really hope they do a tour or some west coast shows this year!
That cover was a bit painful to watch. Idk why they would release that on YouTube and not start the song over.
I tried getting a black one when I got home from work and it was sold out already :(
That's pretty big for Wavves. That's awesome, I've got a lot of love for that band.
I get that they removed the headphone jack to be innovative and all that but I'm really gonna miss it. I already lost those wireless headphones...
How are you guys liking the betas? I for one I'm psyched I can play on my PS4.
Alright friends... it's payday today for me. Should I go buy No Mans Sky when I get off work? Is it the real deal or was it mostly hype. I need...
No Seattle date on their tour :(
It's a shame they only play 4 new songs off their latest release on every tour they do. Would've loved to hear San Diego or Teenage Satellites live.
Wasn't Doug a guitar tech for the Foo Fighters as well?
In the last picture blink retweeted of tour prep, is that Doug in the picture? I was wondering if he was exclusive to Tom or if he's blinks guitar...
Sick! Matt was spot on in that switch going from the first chorus back to the intro and then second verse on his guitar. I'm happy to see them...
More than trying harder I think he's just playing way more cleaner and sticking to what was played on the records. Maybe Tom felt like he didn't...
Not really honestly, it's just consistency. I love Matts vocals but when he's playing the old stuff live he should really try harder to not mess...
If you don't think the new Blink album is some dam catchy pop punk then I don't know what's what. I love the new album. Hope San Diego makes it to...
Sorry.. I meant to reply to crackedthesky, not to you. Still getting used to forum! built this pool mark sings "I wanna see some naked dudes, that's why I built this pool"..
Fuck Is there any legal site to stream the album yet? I bought it and I can't wait till it drops on ITunes. Definitely picking up my physical copy...
Man I just got to hear the record. So fucking good. Some good fuckin pop punk in there too. My favorite is probably San Diego. It just hit home to...
2:48 mark I think
I think Matt in Bored To Death comes in with his chorus a little too early when they're ending the bridge. The song sounds dope acoustic though,...
iTunes says the song length is 2:35