If I have to post something annoying about her. She loves to tell everyone that when she gave birth to me she lost all her allergies and gave them...
Yeah she's so funny, very good mum. I was posting because people in here were discussing how their family text.
no shes just silly, heres some more Mum reposts
My Mum's favorite emoji is the crazy red devil based the Japanese Oni. She sends it with almost every message. [MEDIA] One day I asked my brother....
2023 was the beginning of forever
I wont cry for you if you unlike my posts and die.
Ill let that one slide aslong as Jays a dorito fiend
Hes let some bitchass features ruin good songs too
They do need to be shamed but it will just get them paid more. We should start banning ads in places we dont want them.
Techno Tunnels (Nov 30, 7:45am Metro line) The doors closing beep has gone haywire. DOORS CLOSING BEEP BEEP that's the normal announcement. Todays...
I havent seen the first 2
I'm absolutely not going to watch any of those but I appreciate the effort you went to to the post them
please dont shoot Grimace. Hes always liking my posts
personal beef
Just listened and this was great, only wish SZA wasnt on it.
I have no sympathy for you concert whingers. The teens need a place to scream and a concerts is the most appropriate outlet. I was at the front of...
Its good that the neighbourhood gets a break from them screaming the lyrics at home.
I have an opinion on bald men that probably belongs in the unpopular opinions thread and doesn't apply to Jkauf because he's looking awesome and...
Paris Texas Maroubra Crestwood (Anzac Parade Nov 24 11:15am N90 to Bondi Junction) Hills Boy dreaming on a summer day walking down Anzac Parade to...
No im posting in the Unpopular Entertainment Opinions thread
All Parenting is Hard (November 23, 9:43pm 610X City bound) We are three minutes late, we is me, my double Martini and my freshly ironed Tiger...
Thats my carry limit. I need to work out more.
I have 550 pages of the Savage Detectives in my work briefcase right now.
I recommended it to my last girlfriend but told her I don't buy it for people anymore. She bought it herself and read it. Sometimes I wish we...
Cant wait to send this to my brother, bought him IF forhis birthday 8 years ago and he still hasn't read it. Edit: Ive been attacked for not...