I can hear a Billie influence a little bit in this. She said yesterday that she's really inspired by Billie, so I don't think its too out of the...
This Selena Gomez album is very good
I didn't mean it as an insult to Hayley, and I'm going to support whatever she does. I'm not a songwriter or musician so there's a lot I don't...
I hope its a k-pop album (I don't fully understand why she needs to go solo, all of their songs are already from her point of view. but I'm...
This was such a fun movie, I really loved it. I think people need to lighten up.
The hate I have seen from men online over this movie just existing is like nothing I've ever seen before, except maybe with the all female...
Where do I sign up?
What is up with Courtney Love's comments on Lana's recent instagram posts?
I love this a lot
Is that Joan Jett covering the Mary Tyler Moore song?
Sorry if this has been discussed already, but when Mike says [SPOILER]
so In The Dark is ridiculously good
I think having my sister there elevated it. She would start laughing and then that would make me start laughing; had I been with different people...
[SPOILER] And like I said, most of the other scenes I had seen in the trailer so they weren't as frightening/unsettling to me as they might have...
Yeah I guess that's true. But they definitely marketed it as a horror movie which is why I was expecting that and probably why I was so...
What am I missing about this movie? I really wanted to love it but I was bored most of the time. There were only two truly frightening scenes (to...
Seriously. If she's not in it, what is even the point of doing this? But I'm still excited for it--Murder House and Coven are my two favorite...
I hate this already
Excited for this--"I'm Only Dreaming" was one of my favorite albums from last year
What's wrong with starting a song with "ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies"? (genuine question)
I think this show is by far better than TWD, but we only have 2 episodes left of this season and nothing has really happened [SPOILER]
I knew she looked familiar! Also, why don't you guys like Madison?
Okay I want to play: 1. Civil War 2. Winter Soldier 3. Ragnarok 4. Infinity War 5. Black Panther 6. Age of Ultron 7. Avengers 8. The Dark...
I came home from Infinity Wars straight into this. I hate tonight
Troll in the dungeon!