I went to the SoCO show which was about a week after blink and you would have thought blink was playing based off the amount of people wearing new...
I have enjoyed Justin's solo records, excited for this!
I really want to see that
Trying to find updates on Twitter but everything is 5 seconds to summer related... And people were wondering why they were billed so high
Is there a way to read it without logging in?
Great album! The purple header looks excellent
it took me a few steps and a decent amount of time... I bought them with a Visa Credit Card through BECU (Boeing Employment Credit Union) I...
I received a refund for my two B.A.M. tickets! The AirBnB also refunded me even though it was past the refund date. Glad I got all my money back...
@Jason Tate we need an emergency podcast with all the tea
was waiting for this to happen, now to try to get any money back from my Airbnb
This is a great way to premiere a song and right up their alley.
Does anyone have a link to the full Coachella set? Trying to find a link for my sister in Australia and every time I find one it gets removed....
yeah, my bad. The way people were posting at WWWYF about them being "back" and them saying they are finally putting out new music I lumped them...
I think so, I am not a big fan, but they are a relatively bigger band (on this lineup) and a reunion. When the first wave of bands was announced I...
I also bought tickets in November, not knowing anything about Johnny D or how bad this would get I just found this in my spam folder....
Those are huge venues and a great lineup
I just checked and I am tied for 5th! With Arizona winning...
I saw this ad on Facebook today for Papa Roach playing at a (smaller) arena in Washington. Hollywood undead is one of the supports....
This is from his Insta, Dec 16th, and then Jan 13th- [MEDIA]
It seems like he is going for this huge "I TOLD YOU SO" when they release the next phases, but doubt that pans out
Is Rick Ross and steve Aoki the only headliners announced?? Is Rick Ross still that popular?
Based on his post about Oz, infinity, and beyond. I can see FOB and Kid Cudi
I have a 2.5 year old and she loves the spidey soundtrack. I made a Playlist and sprinkled in some fob in there
I think it is important to have other bands playing as the headliner otherwise everyone flocks to that stage and it gets overcrowded. The other...