The weather is NJ is gonna be amazing for a week straight. yassss.
Lagunitas Sucks or Breakfast Stout in season. It will be Kane Head High come the Summer when they start pumping out those pretty cans full time....
Working my way through FreeCodeCamp and this is the first time since I started teaching myself programming that everything is clicking. I'm...
Stouts are safe...Mad Elf is so much better when the flavors and booze tone down after a year or two as well. Not sure what extended aging would...
The key is to do it with an easy to find beer that will certainly age well. I'm in the midst of a Stone IRS vertical of 4 years. I don't have too...
I once traded for a 4 year vertical of BA Blackout stout...that's probably the only way I'll ever get close to it.
I was KidRobot. 9 years under that username...pretty crazy.
Been working through a box of midwest goodies from Dan and It's a Rich Life is the first Belgian IPA that wowed me. The Belgian yeast wasn't...