Am I just drunk or does that little girl say "Ainsley I'm gonna get you?"
I was supposed to go to a friend's show tonight. Decided I was grumpy and tired so I picked up some cider and went home after work with the...
I always imagined the narrator of The Smiling Man to be female. Im not sure why.
There's. Just. SO. MUCH. Im definitely planning on trying to catch The Decemberists and also Wicker Park Fest. Im excited to catch Waxahatchee...
I honestly have anxiety over how many shows and festivals (whether it's music/food/etc) I want to go here this summer. I'm so used to living an...
I couldn't imagine that they wouldn't tour because of not wanting to be around each other i think it'd be the lifestyle or having to do an insane...
The lack of promo for FOUR was disgusting. Those poor boys deserved so much more than they got as far as management, support, and promotion. The...
When I saw them on their last tour (it was towards the end of the American leg) they looked so burnt out and completely exhausted. Not to mention...
How was LFO live? I've always felt they were one of the more underrated boy bands.
I've been crazy exhausted lately because I've been working two jobs, six days a week, and last weekend I worked a third job by helping set...
I've always wanted to see Backstreet Boys or other big pop artists live. I've seen One Direction twice and it was so much fun.
Spent a long day setting up a yoga festival, got rained on there, and then walked home over a mile in the rain sans umbrella only to come home and...
I had deep dish for dinner last night and foolishly thought eating the leftovers for breakfast would be a good idea... Goodbye, cruel world.
I studied abroad when Eurovision 2014 was happening and it was so much fun to be there during that. I mean, all of Europe coming together over a...
I downloaded bumble the other day and I have never seen a more WASP-y dating app in my life. Every dude on here looks the same and they're all...
I didn't really connect to their last album but I'm already much more attracted to this one after three listens. Brendan's half is grabbing more...
Totally off topic from hair but since Ive started riding a bike in the city, Ive ridden 6 miles in a day tops (3 miles to one of my jobs and then...
It's strange to feel such a way about someone elses hair but if loving Harry and his beautiful hair is wrong then I don't want to be right.
As much as I love Harry I think its weird people are mourning the fact he cut his hair. Like tbh I think the headband era was his prime. Im super...
The Aloha billboard is finally gone. I have no reason to continue through this day.
Well played.
Jeremiah from Mest came into my restaurant and ordered from me today. The 11 year old me had no chill so I asked if he used to be in Mest. I know...
Im eyeing wveryone at this show wondering who is a chorus person and who isnt.
I finally had a Chicago style hotdog over the weekend and it's definitely something I can fuck with.
Having the day off, getting to sleep in, taking as long as I want to get out of bed, and then having a perfect cup of coffee.