Damn. Ours tops out at $100K, no matter how many kids you have. Been maxing out my 401k, trying to not go over the line and get fucked on...
[MEDIA] "Interesting perspective" — Fuck this country.
Maybe my job won't kick the bucket after all.
I was thinking of Rockford for a while, but fuck the Archbishop of Chicago. Too close to that asshole.
I blame Lucy Calkins for MO fucking up Amendment 7.
This is why my IPS has always tilted Small Value. Cynicism+contra asset classes are the only insurance this MO dude has.
Never wavered; that sandwich sounds fucking BEAST.
Russell2000 futures rn :rocket::rocket:
I tease bc if not I dead.
Tongue in cheek, but is the gist here, "Screw [illegal] immigrants b.c. they are cowards for not reforming their own nations"?
Gotta get the kiddos passports. Spouse likely has ability to immigrate to Italy via heritage, so looking at Norica/Monte, or Orvieto.
Fuck the French Revolution as well.
Liberal WASP Murrica does not understand that Papa Frank is the epitome of Vatican II, and moderately-serious Catholics view his takes with a...
Can't afford it... hope to leave Phelps County for STL though.
Just returned to rural Mid-Mo following a 10-day stint in Arizona w/ the fam. Absurd amounts of rain falling here in the central rural counties....
Vatican has it best, here's how to adopt: Each ward votes for its own representatives The governor selects top 3 reps when a new senator is...
My state continues to lead the charge on team stupid.
Currently in a fleece robe and PJ pants, fixing our engineering team's mistakes and assuaging client school districts. C'est la vie.
Thank God for WFH. So few fucks given for clothing.
MO is America's armpit tho.
That article misses the point so much. This started 40+ years ago with the jettisoning of A) proper grammar instruction and B) Phonics reading...
Catering to the 55+ demographic still.
"I love you dad" [IMG]