The two bottom lines are just shitposting - anyone think they'll surprise us with another line or two in a month or so?
I'm thinking the same thing :(
Anyone else think they’re posting the whole lineup tomorrow? I assumed it would be the first wave only, but they keep saying “lineup” and when...
Agreed! I didn't like how the teaser video revealed half of the first wave last year. The prospect of seeing AM! is more than enough to keep me...
Same. I've been refreshing for the past 46 minutes and haven't gotten that even once.
Thank you both! I’ll just arrive at the fest tomorrow at 1:30 to see them. Waiting to pay for my dinner so those 20 minutes are turning into 30 :(
I’m about 20 away and wondering if it’s too late to roll up. Is it?
Yes, I'm hoping to catch them on Thursday as well and was wondering how early I'd have to get there to snag a spot in the venue.
Sooooo does anyone think they might still drop the “special headliner” or that it’s not happening anymore? They didn’t go back and “fix” the...
I hope we hear more than the aftershows today. Don't really care to purchase a ticket for one if there is no scheduling conflict with the actual fest.
I wore my Docs last year and my feet were dead every day. Still wearing them this year, though.
w-what if we wanted to know too.... :(
I mean, it's in a week, so yes, it will be announced very soon regardless. Lol. EIther way, nice snoopin'
Holy shit yes. I would take him as a headliner.
I guess the Bauhaus leak was one, but nothing aside from that is crazy. They must threaten their people with death or something.
....what is the source of your other rumor....
Man, that lack of question marks is really aggravating me.
Soooo who is at the game?
Also 9 am Thursday. Flying back on American too though. Love me that included carry on and personal bag.
Hey I'm flying American to Chicago from Orlando! Nice.
One. People in town are used to flying out of other airports, though, such as Jacksonville, Orlando, or Tampa. The only people that fly out of...
Eh, I live in the capital (Tallahassee) and tickets are crazy expensive out of here. However, for RF dates, they're still only $650, which the...
Probably Frontier. Even if it is Spirit, it's just a two hour flight. For $120, that's a steal.
Whoever is going to the game, please bug the fuck out of the people at the Riot Fest booth.