i didn’t realize Jenna Coleman voiced a Xenoblade character? that’s pretty cool
[MEDIA] ahhhhhhh
i wasn't aware this was a thing and now it's sold out :( Midsommar May Queen by Yuko Higuchi [MEDIA]
yeah Game Freak devs received death threats for that iirc, that’s when i realized people are shitty and would rather cause hurt than try to be...
it was leaked/announced that Sword and Shield will not have the complete pokedex, and some people got angry and then it became a movement. there...
If you've played Xenoblade Chronicles 2, you'll unlock a small bonus when booting up Xenoblade Definitive on Switch WE ARE RICH
i recently bought a 120Hz monitor for "work" (it really is for work) but I'm planning to build a pc sometime this year. but we all know I'd just...
I honestly don't see any issues. It's great, especially for that price. The UI/UX is fine. I do have bookshelf speakers so I'm not using the...
i bought a 55in tcl roku one for 250~ at Target the guy even said that it was a good purchase (i know they’re supposed to say that but i believe...
Nook Miles Ticket
I used that website a bunch of times and I've only had 1 bad interaction. There was a troll visitor who kept trying to disrupt villagers from...
btw don’t know how long ago this was but apparently Tangledeep released a second DLC, and then made the first DLC free to anyone who owns the base...
joke’s on you i don’t need that island to know that my island is one giant ball of shame
i wanna start Horizons. ive enjoyed the little ive played but when the huge map opened up i panicked, noped and then didn’t play again lol.
who are you looking for?
lol i typed a similar thing a while ago but forgot to send it but yeah i noticed this too. very helpful
You def should. Aya Cash rules and just nails this role. I relate to her character a lot too. Show is great, more people should watch it.
You’re the Worst [SPOILER]
just in case it hasn’t been posted: [MEDIA]
NVC Podcast was talking about XC1 Future Connected being 15-20 hours long and it’s an epilogue because it’s a JRPG but if it was any other genre...
i hate friends too the people, not the show. the show i just dislike
how do you claim señor mime? Mystery Gift?
don’t not buy it