tdwp stopped liking warped tour, i'd be surprised if they went on
etid going down with the ship is peak etid
who was the idiot who kept @ing me about code orange totally playing
whatever happened to john d i'm kind of bummed i never got to experience bamboozle before moving to NYC
well looks like i'm going to the nyc date. are adtr really not playing highway every night? what's the reception been like for the openers?
it's so corny and looks hyper "graphic designed" to fit a death metal aesthetic. double dipping on fonts to be both spiky and olde english, the...
boy that's a try hard band name/font combo
yo baseless tour speculation from 17 year olds whose friend's friend's friend knows a local promoter ONLY, get this blog shit outta here
i wish the whole record sounded like texas is forever
b markets, they doing warped?
james iha isn't a draw, including d'arcy and having a legit reunion would've been better
counterparts and vein are def good, i'm just surprised to see vein to dip their toes into a more metalcore bill not a bad thing, just thought...
vein is on that emmure tour? lol w2g
i'm pretty stoked. coheed is always great and i at least can enjoy TBS' singles. TSSF will probably be boring, saw them at the holiday show in...
all bands united by a desire to move out of their reputation as Pop-Punk/Emo band into normal ass rock band
it's a very weird bill in that i don't think the openers are going to do anything for HH and i don't think opening for HH will do anything for...
this is how the wind shifts is their best album by a long shot
fys need to bring back the mid "beatdown in the key of happy" nu-metal covers
same day in nyc as the turnstile tour lol wow
i mean ned is getting his degree so they could be back in a year or two
if you have to ask...
damn you sure told me
i mean i wasn't expecting anything inspired but boy way to put all the smaller acts from your major label/management company/whatever on a tour