I doubt anyone will beat that offer
I want a pick
Can you do a third?
Dontari Poe available 6'3 346 lb 26 years old/83 awr/97 str/83 prc/76 pmv/93 block shedding/87 tackling/87 hit power/83 pursuit/95 stamina/93 injury
I'd want a pick for him
Was anyone interested in foles?
Can't move peters, 4m penalty
What exactly do you mean that the bonus is dead money because on my screen it says the bonus is 0$
Where do I look to look at all of that stuff or know what exactly I will have to pay and stuff
Oh nvm i forgot about that being added in the bradham deal lol
Wait how did I get peters on my team?
It says it will put me over the salary cap, Idk if this us a stupid question or not but if I cut dudes with net savings and not penalties will...
I accepted the bradham one but it glitches out or something again on the Ertz trade
The only option for the second trade was "acknowledge" Idk what that was about, send it again, sorry man
I'm looking to acquire an additional first round pick if anyone wants to make such an offer for some of my dudes
I think we might be assigning much different values on poe unless I read his stats wrong, although I haven't gotten a good look at logans stats
Who's up in fa?
Doug what's your offer for poe?
I wish we could trade:'(
Poe available, need wr online and picks
90 overall dt
I have poe available as well
I'm not moving Charles anymore so I'm good on rb, I need wr online mostly or picks
I know multiple people were asking me the other day, but peters IS available the only thing is that I don't necessarily want to get rid of him so...