Yes!!! I have been waiting for this. 451 Could Never Be Heaven Same Logic/Teeth Desert
Dear lord people don't let that avatar be a permanent thing. Have some mercy and vote 1996.
My god man, @BTDandFeelingThis your profile picture freaks me the fuck out
1996 easily
Am I the only one who literally has no clue what @Raditz is talking about? Also 1996 and Nobody Moves please
Toronto Je Me Souviens A Midwestern State of Emergency The Continual Condition
Tree Level lost? Ugh 1996 Out of Range Nobody Moves Fork And Knife
1996 Out of range Coke Mene Flying At Treee Level Fork and Knife
Gasoline. Hardest choice I've made today.
How was IT?
Aquamarine for sure
Gasoline Bride
Gasoline You Stole Vices Bought A Bride This was hard, I love every song on this album.
Epic fail
They need to record. Blink can wait.
As Nike says JUST DO IT
Damn this is hard. I love this album. Gasoline Vices Bed
So earth ends 2019 then?
Either split personality disorder or a fanboy. Either way, it's a hoot.
This whole message board has gone insane.
Cut and Run Ghost Mirror Box Afterglow
So you are insane, that's your schtick?
I haven't listened to it since July 1st, 2016
That's just so sad. My heart bleeds for you.