lol truth be told I didn’t even know there was a new Neil Young album out :teethsmile: it’s Dijon — Absolutely [MEDIA]
I don’t really do EOTY lists but, if I did, this is easy top 3, and was pretty much my uncontested AOTY until last month
yeah I think I played it for like 5 minutes tops before I was like “yeah I better put this down before I fuck it up somehow or hurt my own...
got to play a 60s pre-CBS Jazzmaster today and good lord I about melted lol. priced at a cool $18k. literally right after I had them put it back...
I also much prefer Let It Be Naked
Time and Some Days alone put Pioneer above a lot of their other pre-LLL stuff for me, the hook on Some Days especially is one of their absolute...
I remember that song getting a lot of hate, but I have always loved it. Ilan absolutely fucking crushes it on that song.
this is absolutely fucking bonkers in terms of production. so much here to chew on. it’s really everything I could have wanted from him but I...
definitely ridiculously expensive but have never heard a sicker trem/vibrato than what the stereo ones produce, personally. they seem to be...
would kill to have one of those Magnatones tbh
been listening to this band a lot (as per usual lol) and it’s really becoming clear to me just how wonderful Chi was as a bassist. I love how...
in a more just world this would be huge on this site.
this is an absolute fucking homerun wow. they’ve really brought the hooks here, without sacrificing any of the acrobatics. this has been an insane...
one thing I learned from my discog run earlier this year as that anyone (my past self included) who writes off Static Prevails, or skips it on...
always been top 3 for me :)
absolutely blown away by the new one, as I was with Little Thing, can’t wait for this record. gonna be something special.
I think it’s incredibly embarrassing, incredibly absurd, and incredibly funny
I would say if anything I started out loving Goodness more than I do now and I’ve cooled on it a bit with time
I mean, even just reading Alexis’ initial posts before any responses came out, I felt like I was reading the words of someone who’s very...
giving INGO a listen now. first song is fun, which I am p sure I have always felt as much, but it’s pretty far removed from what I’m interested in...
that one and this one back to back are fucking killing me honestly lol [ATTACH]
I don’t think INGO is all that good personally, find it amateurish in almost every respect except maybe lyrically (which is generally not the...
I will always have qualms with it I think, but overall I think it’s very good. very few albums have ever resonated with me as strongly emotionally...
and clearly you didn’t read far enough to see my re-quote where I walked back my position. I hadn’t listened to the old one enough to ever even...