I mostly love this record and it makes me really happy to say that, as I haven’t been a fan of most of the output (minus a song here or there)...
wouldn’t consider myself a fan of ska whatsoever but for some reason I fuck with the 100 Gecs take on ska when it comes up in their songs ha. I...
I guess he doesn’t *need* to be, but I find the parallel between Abby/Lev and Joel/Ellie (Part 1) works better in that sense. she essentially...
personally hope they don’t get Ian for Lev bc I do not see them convincingly playing a 13 year old
probably Last Resort
think I may like this more than the debut? hard to say bc that record has been borderline ruined for me due to unfortunate circumstances.
all the re-recordings sound incredible to me! really vibe w the chorus of All of the Girls You Loved Before… not so into the verses on first...
honestly don’t know if I had ever heard Eyes Open before but jeez this song rocks ha
I actually love all the tracks mentioned from ABIH thus far ha, Proctor Rd always had a cool mood to it to me even if it is criminally short, and...
I feel like I remember people being disappointed with the ending when the game first came out too.
100% agreed on all fronts
I much prefer almost every re-record so far to the original, minus the big hits on Red probably. overall I just feel like the performances are...
didn’t realize this about them being offered 12. I have found myself actually thinking “I wish we had a Sopranos length 12-13 ep season here” so...
so, as somebody who has played and loves both games, is my (all things considered, incredibly light) criticism entirely unreasonable to you?...
can only speak for myself here but I absolutely was not advocating for more zombie fights with my complaints. or more action at all, really.
:shrug2: maybe I’ll feel differently on re-watch! at the end of the day it’s not a huge complaint, I’ve still loved what they’ve given us (better...
been feeling this way for a few eps now, but I wanted to hold my tongue until we were closer to the end to see if my gut feeling changed at all—...
how is The Quarry? got a PS5 recently and am looking for games to add to my list. I’ve just been replaying TLOU 1&2 over and over lmao.
for a lot of people Joel seems to be the main draw to the series— and I get that bc I love his character just as well— but Ellie has always been...
went and skimmed thru each of Hayley’s solo records to see if I completely misremembered them and was missing something in the comparisons, but I...
hmmm, I’m honestly having a hard time summing up my thoughts on it ha. it’s rather disorienting and surreal once it “gets going”, feels trippy in...
watched Outwaters last night and I liked it.
deeply stupid post