haha I didn't go lawn. I did GA. The only people in front of me were Pit people. Lawn people were behind and I assume they paid $10. But i guess...
yeah it was pretty similar to that one. I remember not loving the setlist at all. I think I only got hyped for dammit and carousel. Not sure if...
Their label really pushed the hell outta them. But labels make investments and I'm sure they plan on recouping that investment during their tours....
Flyleaf's Lacey Sturm and my new favorite song at the moment. Hits heavy! [MEDIA]
If they release Los Angeles as a single I'm pretty sure they'll get the fall out boy fans and they'll sell more.
listening to Neighborhoods for the first time in...whenever it was released. It's a lot better than I thought, I really like After Midnight. But...
Something about reading Mark talk about Tom. It always seems like he lost a brother and he does everything to try and keep him. Maybe i'm reading...
Matt butchered What's my age again on the Iheartradio. But there label is pushing the hell out of them. Nice label.
I wish that we could save today
He definitely wasn't one trick when he was younger. DBM was really good and he sounded great. He wrote catchy gibberish hooks and he was imo more...
Taylor Swift...I feel badly for her.
bruhs, he made two posts. I wonder what his real username is. Is that you, White? jk
Festus shouldn't be in the NBA. He needs some time in the D-league.
Haha sorry. Nme is the UK's version of rolling stone magazine I suppose. They reviewed California mentioned Tom delonges exit as Delexit in...
Jerry Finn made so many bands the bands we love. I think his absence is felt hardest with Blink and AFI.
bruhs, don't get so bent. Lets keep it copacetic.
Yeah guys, I made that joke already in the blink thread. STOP GIVING OTHER PEOPLE MY LIKES!!!!!
I think the biggest difference between Mark and Tom is that Mark is afraid to alienate fans, Tom is not. amirite!?
I actually don't like that they wanted songs to sound like certain songs/eras. I would just want them to write the best songs that they can write...
I said hi and she replied with a weird waving gif on tinder. Well that's over now.
Not too excited for their album, but Only One live on Pepsi Smash is still one of my favorite performances across the board. Whoever did the sound...
Man, I've always gotten my lyrics from AZ. Even when there were a plethora of sites doing lyrics, AZ had the cleanest site. Now they've gotten...
Good Boring America, am I right!
I hope some of the songs are growers. Blink songs have never really been growers to me, always show-ers from the get go. I remember when I heard...
Taking Back Sunday isn't the same band that I loved in High School and college. I'm okay with that. But best of luck to those guys!