new Nuvolascura. incredible record. FFO: Lord Snow, Loma, bands that rip [MEDIA]
came around on this in a big way. love the vibe its going for. reminds me of the old scattered sounding deerhunter mixed in with the more pop...
confirmed [MEDIA]
Yeah its a weird record. Especially sequencing wise. Wish I hadn't seen those live vids before this because the studio versions got pretty...
Man this looks beyond uncanny valley so far. Why did they give him human legs?! [MEDIA] [ATTACH]
out there.
Seeing a lot of Lynch/Pynchon comparisons but it felt way more influenced by comics and Daniel Clowes in particular. Really loved it.
Yeah this was really fucking good.
New record comes in an actual body bag. Singles rip [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
yeah i'm not ready to fly out from Cali but I will if I have to
plzzz dont just be a reissue of the S/T. [ATTACH]
i have to hit that LA show songs from the new record are played in this video. sounds amazing. [MEDIA]
oh my god
Playing it right now and there hasn't been a bad track yet
damn i've really been sleeping on YNW Melly [MEDIA]
this record is insane.
God Apostle was so fucking good.
this is fucking great. so pumped to see them on this tour.
this is really fucking good
Finally listening to that Elle LP and shits unreal.
Anyone listening to this? Mems of Mom Jeans, Just Friends, all those bands blowing up but this is actually pretty good? Serious Say Anything IARB...
this is their best.