Missy Elliott
Parquet Courts hell yes.
Glad I'll never have to watch that video again.
Move on Conor, everyone else has.
If we don't get Diaz v Masvidal the entire organization should just fold.
Epaulets is so nice.
I'm howling.
Alright, Stipe/Pettis/Romero and those are my final answers.
I think that it's (for lack of a better word) diminished because some of these songs have been out for a while now. Entitlement Crew was released...
Hold Steady has some good ones.
I'm only 31 and it makes me feel ancient haha
Citywide holiday today here in Chicago. [MEDIA]
I've always appreciated Paradise Valley <ducks>
Separation Sunday will always be my favorite.
Speaking of Dutch kickboxers who can't go out to nightclubs, Badr Hari is looking natural. /s [MEDIA]
Since I'm in my fusion mode, I'll plug Phil Collins era Brand X too. Some cool shit on those albums.
Sold my Chicago tickets for a very healthy mark up. Kind of mind boggling that the demand is so high for this tour. At least in certain markets.
Hope DC crushes him [SPOILER]
Dropping in to say I love Weather Report. Not always in that mood, but when I'm in those dudes really hit it for me.
I've only run one marathon, but the only time I "walked" was getting water at the stations towards the end. With the cups and wet ground I didn't...
I'm listening to Bon Iver and laughing so hard at this.
[MEDIA] Not sure if this is politics, accountability, or both, but Kid Rock sucks.