It was fine I suppose. My rewatches of this show will always end at season three. I legit laughed when [SPOILER] came back.
He's got some gems on his Twitter, along with the pettiness. Everything you could really ask for.
[MEDIA] It's too early for this.
Broke my toe doing jiu jitsu and after six weeks I'll finally be getting back into the gym. Anyway, always listen to your body, but don't take...
[MEDIA] We all know where the real action is this weekend.
Feels like tickets are moving even slower than last year. They really should drop the lineup first.
I already have ESPN+ so this will have no impact on my ppv purchasing habits. That said, I don't really know anyone that buys UFC ppv's anymore,...
Forgot how much I enjoy "Love on the Weekend."
Same here. Hopefully this convinces him to move up.
What's Till do next? Lawler or Nelson? If he'd go up, someone like Tavares or Branch could make sense.
Agreed, I really enjoy AAA.
[MEDIA] Anyway, been grooving to these guys hard today.
Haven't played in ages, but I've been getting that urge again. Specifically the urge to buy another guitar, let's hope self control wins out.
I dig it a lot, that Murderous/Saboteur/Widespread Devastation run is top notch. Anyone have a good RIYL for these guys? Best I can come up with...
Conor's such a tweeb.
Very excited to listen to this.
Good point, but they weren't set to headline were they? Doesn't really matter, I'm just finally ready to start speculating heavy on the lineup haha.
Would have bet money on Lumineers being there, but with them being announced for Piqniq I guess I was wrong, unless the radius clause isn't what...
This album has really hit for me lately. I like Simplify idc idc.
Solid card. Feel for Lewis, body shots are no joke.
This Gesaffelstein and Pharrell song rules.
All good. I like watching Conor fight, I hate the smoke and mirrors it takes to get us there. :verysad:
You said he "wouldn't be the guy who just "willing to fight anybody" all the time at any slot on a card either." when that's literally what he's...
Ariel is a such hack when he does his talking head act. This is nuts. The last time Cowboy fought less than three times a year was 2012. He...