^ a lot of people dig it
Nah, I just love Gosling so much
I hate that Ryan Reynolds is even brought up when talking about the Gos
No. Would have been a damn shame.
Really got hooked after the third episode. My favorite show currently on air!
The Leftovers has been nominated for shit. Another huge snub!
This sounds like hell
No way
Really really hit hard by this. Thank you so much for posting this
1) Brian Fallon- Painkillers 2) Bon Iver- 22, A Million 3) Every Time I Die- Low Teens 4) American Football- LP2 5) The Hotelier- Goodness 6)...
I just started this show yesterday! Better late than never.
Michelle Williams* (give her the credit she deserves!) :teethsmile:
^ The screenplay pdf is floating around online. Spectacular writing if you're interested in that kinda stuff
This movie was great. Casey better win an oscar
:verysad:I'd be a total mess.
I agree. I think it's a great role to give Jericho
awesome match
Well he was basically saying that he kinda started the talks for the band to break up for the time being. He has a two year old daughter at home...
Swagger and Blade! I brought it up to him halfway through my haircut I was like "so how's life not being on the road?" It was funny he laughed and...
Literally right down the road from where I live. He's the nicest guy. And he gives an awesome cut! I try not to ask him too much about the band...
Alex Levine cuts my hair (when they aren't touring he cuts hair and owns a sub shop in Red Bank) and he says that Gaslight will be back at some point
I'd love to see them but that first single is so cheesy. Not too excited for the album.
For the new dates it says a fan pre sale tomorrow on ticketmaster. How would one get access to that code? I'm already on the mailing list and...
I think tracks 2 and 3 are my favorite. "You can't just forget all the other lives you lived" hit me really really hard.