Fenway, Blake, John...beers on me
I'd love that. I wore it the other night to impress the chick I love
Fenway and I are buds. We got matching shirts
Cream colored?!
Was it from merch direct?
When the novel is finished I'll let you read it and proof read it babe
I hate everything you chose to be
read through some of the thread. Big brother ruined my fun
Did it grow an inch by correcting my drunken grammar?
mikesmannequin was thrown off. I'm feeling I'm heading in that direction. The tequila. My distain for yellowcard. My support of Blake. The idea of...
I wouldn't be here.
John, remember we when I'm kicked off
God does not run this site.
the new blink album. If you can still call them blink
It's bad. It's laughable. Pathetic
Hey I never started a blink fan site but all my friends I grew up with hate the new blink album
YFW is infinitely better than California.
brohemian rhapsody. Enough said.
And yes I love alkaline trio. I love blink. California is trash. Sorry
California is shit regardless of what daddy says
I respect you bud!
Seinfeld. What a show. Ugh
Blake, I love you. But ADTR is as useful as a used condom.
Even back in the day they were what they were.