I just checked and before Black Honey was 5 then 6 on Sirius/XM Octane's weekly 12 "Big 'Uns"..... Now it's #3. Right behind Volbeat and...
This makes me excited. I would have loved Aaron to record but I knew that was a long shot(but I get Underoath back so I have no right to complain).
New one from Gojira is pretty great. My vinyl should be at my house today. I picked up a CD of Radiohead today. I'll also give the new DJ...
I'm going to pass on seeing them this time in Georgia(Athens) since I've seen them play the same base set over and over. Love this band to death,...
Seeing those records makes me very jealous. I wish I was into vinyl back when those records came out. :/
*and things going on in Seattle at the time. As stated in the Matt Pinfield podcast.
I wish Coheed and Cambria would do this with their set lists. On their last tour, aside from all of The Color Before The Sun stuff(which was...
This the extended outro you are talking about? [MEDIA] Also: looks like they have used the symbol they associate with one of the Beggars album...
New Opeth this Fall. [MEDIA]
It's $39.99 at Best Buy this week.
Just started one of my backlog games so I can take a quick break from Doom before I beat it: Life is Strange. So far loving the setting and vibe.
I'm a huge Xbox gamer,but dammit that Sony show was incredible. I'm going to have to get a PS4 here soon.
Ryan McCaffery is a pretty cool dude.
It builds hype for the platform no matter who has had it on their console previously or not. Also they talked about it for literally 15 seconds;...
I'm with you there. I'm, not saying thats what he said, but it sure sounded like it more so than on the album. Also a quick pic of mine from the...
I thought they were streaming the set. :/ (At least I watched cool game stuff that's right up my alley)
Oh man, yeah for sure. I didn't even think about seeing who would all be there. (Dagnabbits). Also there def was some surprises in this set for...
Show was incredible.
Duuuude thanks! I was wishing there was a way to just snap my fingers and make all those YouTube videos into a Spotify playlist earlier haha.
They are doing all the right kinds of promotion leading up to this album.
I'm sure they are working on Elder Scrolls 6 as we speak. This was prob sourced to a satellite studio. Also I did play the game somewhat on PC....
I'm really hoping this Skyrim remaster is true. Yes I've played it for 150+ hours. Yes I could be playing NEW games. But I mean come on...... I...
I'm buying that hornet/bee one on top. Count on it.
I don't listen to rock radio, but I think Black Honey should be all over rock radio. Has it been issued to stations or Sirius/XM yet?
Bought my ticket to the ATL show. Now to check out Gates and some La Dispute stuff I haven't heard(Wildlife and Rooms of the House).