Kind of shocked that Beartooth is playing at the Orphuem instead of the Ritz in my city. I’ll be there. First time seeing Beartooth headline super...
They signed to Fearless? That’s fucking awesome
Honestly to me that’s not bad at all especially for Underoath, DGD and The Plot In You I love all 3 bands,
How much did it come out to with fees?
Beartooth announced their new album today and on their website has a countdown that ends in 5 days hoping it’s a tour announcement but my guess...
Atreyu needs to play Tampa again. I don’t care for 10 Years though
Anyone have done Tinker Field in Orlando? How is it? I’m probably going to end up going to that one and West Palm and selling my Tampa date...
I would be down with that
CTE is the only downfall of the tour. I agree or have like ETID on it instead
This is huge for TPIY so stoked to see them on this
Underoath, DGD, and TPIY holy fuck I’ll be at Tampa. This maybe the tour of the year for me.
I’ll be at Tampa and West Palm
All these stories are having me nervous about the Tampa date still can’t believe they moved the venue on the last year but I’ll make the best of it.
I’ll be at the Tampa date. Kind of weird that they aren’t playing a bigger venue in Orlando. Slaves sold out that venue on their last tour that...
Yea Homesick/WSMFY made them explode but honestly Homesick even though it has good songs it’s my least favorite album of theirs
For Those Who Have Heart and Common Courtesy are my favorite two records of theirs.
Kind of wish they got Red Jumpsuit Apparatus to do the full tour instead of just Atlanta and Jacksonville dates to have another throw back bsnd
I wish he would play more off of Fever
Anyone think West Palm will sell out before the 30th? I was able to get my Tampa ticket today but me by making dumb choices made me low on funds...
I’m thinking these tickets will go fast sadly I myself in trouble and because of that it’s making me skip Panic and probably this because of...
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus got added to Atlanta and Jacksonville on the Right Foot Stage. Further makes me believe Tampa and West Palm get ADTR.
It seems like that ETF/Slaves tour isn’t a ETF 10 year tour of This War Is Ours. But I’m still going to hit up the Tampa date.
Slaves sold out a lot of dates on their last tour granted it was mostly dive bar type of venues but still sold out venues that ranged from like...
I was hoping for a set longer then 12 songs and ending with Sleep Well Darling is odd. Only 3 three songs from the new album and playing more...