My final in-cart cost was about $70. I said nope.
That international shipping though. Yikes.
Yeah. I'm hoping that the /100 is just a mistake somehow. Their fanbase is much too large for anything sub-1000.
Thrice hasn't acknowledged the "leak" at all yet. Though Teppei posted something about it on his Instagram story last night when it went up on...
Said this in the Supporter Q&A thread, but... I have not missed this frenetic refreshing of merch pages for incoming it's-gonna-be-super-rare...
Just some google image searching.
I absolutely NEED that colored variant.
Yeah. Tiptoeing around our finances is frustrating. We have two more months of it until we close.
I would love to go that route, but we literally overdrafted yesterday. But mainly because Wells Fargo sucks.
I'll buy it, but not because I should, or because I can actually afford it.
That's an issue for me, because I can't afford two. Haha. Also, I'm guessing it will be limited to one per customer, and they could cancel...
If anyone happens to get an extra, and doesn't want it, and wants to fairly pass it along to another die hard fan... Pick me, please.
Freaking /100!? Do you all remember how quickly that /1000 variant sold for TBEITBN? I doubt I'll be able to pull this off.
I spent so much cash on Thrice during the TBEITBN album cycle. Three variants within a few weeks, smoke/gray, tour teal, and black. I can't do...
All the links lead to emptiness at the moment.
Just regular black vinyl then? I’m actually okay with that.
I’m shocked we haven’t gotten a “something something palms are sweaty mom’s spaghetti” joke yet. This doesn’t count.
I’m still offering about $3.50 to hear this early.
It's all sold out.
Yep. I've been really good. This and mewithoutYou are the only two records that I intend to buy the rest of the year. I am all for this. :up: