There’s also so good home buying discussion for a couple pages back there.
Just one snap of your fingers and you could get rid of at least half of us.
That’s why I’m not even going to bother trying to get a ticket to a show. Seems fruitless.
Is Hoobastank buttrock?
I'm okay to consider all of my favorite bands as categorically dadrock, so to speak. But if someone calls it "butt rock," thems fighten' words. I...
Love Jumpsuit, but also in the same boat with those who thought it could go on a bit longer.
I feel like that's just the single art. Album art will probably be revealed coinciding with preorders.
Welp. I guess I’ll just go back into reclusivity. Didn’t intend to start anything by just making a quick passing reference. I do not treat...
I mean, I have no shame in grabbing the leak. I have thrown a couple hundred dollars at them for the year. They are seeing my money. I also...
I just went through the verified fan process.
I won't be listening to The Grey (any more) or any other singles. Going in as fresh as I can. Say what you want about Brand New's rollout last...
Those screams though. Coming from someone who loves Goner, I approve.
Palms Zip-Up Hoodie (Black) It’s hiding.
The shipping option I got was the only one popping up.
Thrice thread is now homebuying thread. We head to get super creative with our loan, but it’s conventional, and the home is a fixer upper. We...
It’s not really a matter of affording it, as it is having no other option. Rent in our area is upwards of $1800-2000 for even a small family...
I'm counting on some birthday money next week to make up for this purchase, because otherwise, I did a very bad thing considering we are pending...
Honestly, a good way for me to save money on vinyl is to avoid this thread. I haven't poked my head in here in a while. I have avoided,...
Nonononononononononnononoooonnonnnoononnonnononoooooooooooooooooo... Idontneedthis
Sold out. You might get lucky to grab it on tour.
I can't help but see Riley's hair and think, "That's what Jason dreams to attain."
But instead we are going to tar and feather you for this one! GET 'IM BOYS!