Today I joined the Apple Watch fam [ATTACH]
Upgrading my S to an X tomorrow, but I only upgraded my launch Xbox One to the S for the UHD Blu-ray playback about a year ago.
Just to jump in and clarify, PS4 Pro does not have a UHD Blu-ray player. The Xbox One S and X do.
I liked that quite a lot bit.
I knocked out about 4/5ths of an M.Div. there before just being tired of being in text books, or treating the Bible like a text book, for 7 years....
I don’t care whatever you think about it. I’ve articulated my thoughts on it all here many times. Call me weird, I’ll be okay.
Dammit, Jason. But wahhhhhyy?
Getting genuinely tired of Christian artists just throwing in a “fuck” to their discographies nowadays. (Underoath) Thrice, don’t you go and do...
Why did they have to say fuck though?
Hurricane is the best song on TBEITBN, and will maybe end up being my favorite Thrice song ever. Fight me.
Still alive and lurking. :hand:
People said dumb things on the internet. We live. We learn. We move on. We do it all again.
Any good deals on the Watch Series 3 right now?
Welp. This is familiar to some 2016 conversations.
My favorite variant from the first pressing. [MEDIA]
A couple of oldies (pictures) but goodies. [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] I'm just showing off.
Thrice have been teetering for the top spot of my absolute favorite band for a few years now, but I would just like to say definitively that they...
I'm just up to my album title and release date guessing shenanigans. My track record for accuracy is... poor.
Thrice - <blockquote class="instagram-media" data-instgrm-captioned data-instgrm-permalink="" data-instgrm-version="8" style=" background:#FFF;...
I’ve always deeply connected with Dustin’s lyrics rooted in his faith. I hope there’s more of that on this record than TBEITBN. I know I’m...
Bad kerning.
Hi friends. My name is Kevin360 and I like Thrice.
Also, I went all in on Monster Hunter: World today. PS4 Pro needed some dusting off. Preordered for next day shipping from Best Buy, and went...
[IMG] Reviewing extremely well.
I’m still around, just in lurking mode. I’ve actually never posted in this thread though. Back in ‘09, I posted heavily on AbsolutePunk, then...