That's the most mop-based heat anyone has got since Raven put Moppy through a woodchipper
Uso cant hold it together lmao
Is he swiping at Kenny Omega?
Fucking hate this "The Artist" nickname for Shinsuke haha
Gargano crawling on Ciampa after almost looking for help was fucking heartbreaking haha what an awesome heel turn
APWP Backlash 2017 Username: Montauk1222 WWE Championship (2pts) Randy Orton (c) vs. Jinder Mahal Interference (½pt)*: Yes Clean Finish (½pt)*:...
Dunne vs Bate was so fucking good. They are so young too, going to be major players.
I really hope this isn't true even... giving me more reason to really dislike Bayley lol
Not that I'm a huge CZW fan but they do often have matches that arent straight up glass and nails matches haha
Yeah I quit at the start of Villian/Sydal, buffering was obnoxious
Ospreay is unreal not only for the moves he does but some of the bumps he takes.
Getting a US title, interesting.
Anyone else get a major HAIM vibe from Forgiveness?
Was lukewarm on the album first listen, but really really liked it on the second listen. This will grow on me big time I think. I like the diverse...
Playing Glorious right now during the handshake
Haha maybe with his 3 belts combined he is a heavyweight
You've heard the whole thing? Only seen singles online ...
That song is not good, probably not even top 10 on that album.
Right back at ya ;)
This album is pretty much all I'll be listening to this summer, probably.
Crowd cheering for the villain thanking him for injuring your top guy to point he's bleeding internally yet the path will continue
Bray much like other backwoods folk wearily eyes the foreign man while capitalizing on his work.
Randy should show up in an Uber or some shit, I'd lose my mind.
Joe's shoulder was way up lmao