I attached maybe, unlikely or no to each band
They were too punk for Warped.
I thought Counterparts was one of the bands who said they would never do Warped.
Because some people just listen to music and dont go to shows a lot and dont care enough to be up to date on everything. You dont have to be an...
Later tonight I will do a "similar artist" addition to your post. Thanks for compiling this!
I wish I knew if it was one or two stages that were cut that way I could try to make one last prediction
My body is ready for the 22nd.
I could see everyone on the tour besides The Color Morale be on this year
2015 was a huge dissapointment because the bands I was most excited for either dropped off or were partial dates: H20 Ho99o9 Rotting Out...
Genre hint?
I thought Modern Life Is War, The Orwells, and Criminal Instinct was just a troll. Because all those seem farfetched, even though I hope they...
Thanks for all your work!
Any chance of these artists playing? Merzbow Satanic Warmaster Sargeist Wreck and Reference Raped By Pigs Solange David Bowie All Time Low
Get some Danny Brown up in this bitch.
Journey's Right Stage Beartooth Breathe Carolina Citizen CKY (Partial) Memphis May Fire Neck Deep New Years Day PVRIS Set Your Goals The Orwells...
My date is one of the last ones, 8/4 hopefully they do not drop off before then
What days are Bad Religion overseas? I would love to see them.
Would someone be so kind as to compile the list of rumored artists? That way i can make my prediction?
For heavy bands that do not fit the scene, does anyone think if Oathbreaker could play?
Also I guess Skullcandy is a sponsor again
Source? If that is the case: Dance Gavin Dance Modern Life Is War Criminal Instinct The Orwells For me so far
Journey's Left Foot Bayside Black Veil Brides Memphis May Fire Modern Baseball Neck Deep New Years Day PVRIS Streetlight Manifesto Waka Flocka...
My prediction that is probably completely wrong: Journey's Stages Saosin (Partial) Anti-Flag (Partial) Waka Flocka Flame (Partial) The Aquabats...